v17 How to create submenus for menu entries that refer to custom playlists
Hi there,
I would like to create submenus for menu entries that refer to custom playlists, as of now these submenus are empty. The submenus should feature entries such as ‘unwatched’ or ‘recently added’. How do I make these entries?
In addition I have a window on the top right of the home screen displaying fan art or info for films that were added recently. How can I customize what this window displays?
RPI 3 with OSMC Aeon Nox and KODI 17.5
Go here and scroll down the list on the left pane to the desired existing submenu. Then highlight it and right arrow over to enable it.  To add more items use the + icon at the top.
Skin Settings->Main Menu->Setup the Aeon Nox main menu->Movies->Manage submenu

You'll find the widgets in the same place and be able to add or remove them.
HTPC: Dell Optiplex 7050 SFF i7-7700 quad-core, 3.6GHz, 16GB
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My Media Center | www.CaptainKen.us | www.YouTube.com/KenInGilbert
(2018-02-01, 16:31)CaptainKen Wrote: Skin Settings->Main Menu->Setup the Aeon Nox main menu->Movies->Manage submenu
You'll find the widgets in the same place and be able to add or remove them.
Hi CptnKen and thanks for the reply,
with me it's different as my menu is custom made. So I have
Skin Settings->Main Menu->Setup the Aeon Nox main menu->CUSTOM PLAYLIST LINK AS MENU ENTRY->Manage submenu->NO WIDGETS AT ALL
I need to make a submenu entry for 'not seen' or 'in progress' only for films or episodes which are part of the playlist the main menu entry refers to.
RPI 3 with OSMC Aeon Nox and KODI 17.5
Hm noone?
RPI 3 with OSMC Aeon Nox and KODI 17.5
Sounds like you need a second playlist to link to.  I have done something similar.  Playlist 1 is the master list of items.  Playlist two references the first and has an extra filter to remove the watched items.   

(I also created something to pull out only shows where I have S01E01 and thus I haven't started to watch).
KODI Nexus - CoreELEC everywhere on Ugoos AM6 Plus&Pro, Plex Server, HDHomerun with TVHeadend on my NAS.
(2018-02-18, 20:11)jeffski10 Wrote: Sounds like you need a second playlist to link to.  I have done something similar.  Playlist 1 is the master list of items.  Playlist two references the first and has an extra filter to remove the watched items.   

(I also created something to pull out only shows where I have S01E01 and thus I haven't started to watch).
 Oh someone has gotten back. Thanks! Your suggestion sounds reasonable but this would imply that I have to create a playlist for each submenu item which seems like a lot of work...
I have also realised that these custom made menu items behave different from standard menu items in that they don't link back to the menu but to a list of playlists...
RPI 3 with OSMC Aeon Nox and KODI 17.5

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How to create submenus for menu entries that refer to custom playlists0
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