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Release Aura
The widgets code is in Includes_Widgets.xml - specifically the grouplist is at these lines

There is a spacer group at the top, which is used to change the gap between the top and the first widget item. The value for widget_spacer_top is defined in Constants_Main.xml, but you can edit the value here by directly putting in a number. Make the value bigger and it should push the widget further down the screen.
<control type="group" id="331" description="Spacer">

This bit is the submenu categories widget, so you can delete it if you aren't using it

Directly underneath are the templates for each of the 8 possible widgets (3002-3009). If you only want one widget per menu item, then remove the includes for 3003-3009 so only 3002 is used.

All the background code is defined in Includes_Global.xml
The overlay over the background is defined here, so you want to add a condition to not show the overlay group for home and then add your own separate group for the overlay on the homescreen..
The overlay is made of three parts: a flat texture that dims the fanart by a certain amount, the coloured vignette overlay, and then a second vignette which applies a gray vignette around the screen edges.

Let me know if you need anything else
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
@Blurayx - can you PM me your 1080i/script-skinshortcuts-includes.xml file so I can try and recreate the problem. Being on Leia shouldn't really matter too much.

@attackkkkkk - you need to download the skin each time there is an update as I don't use a repo for development versions. If you install via zip, then each time you need to give the zipfile a unique name so that kodi knows that it is a new version (e.g. add the date to the end of the zip like so: skin.aura-23-02-18.zip). I'll have a look at how the osd is in embruary, but I'm pretty happy with the current osd as I feel it accommodates a variety of different use scenarios well.

@BeCableFree - Trailer plays fine for me. It depends on what scraper or add-on that you are using for where the trailer comes from, but usually they are youtube videos, so make sure you have the youtube plugin setup correctly and ensure that you can play youtube videos. - also, playback of videos from widgets works perfectly fine for me. I'm not 100% sure, but from your description of the issue it sounds like you are using banned piracy add-ons, so I can't really help you with that. Either way, the skin doesn't really have anything to do with playback of content, so you should take playback issues up with the author of the particular add-on that you are using.
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
0.9.4 - New OSD design

Okay, after playing around with a few things, I changed my mind and made a new OSD design to fit with the more minimal feel of Aura. Got a some inspiration from Hitcher's awesome fTV skin, though this definitely has its own Aura spin on those ideas.

Let me know what you guys think!



Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
(2018-02-23, 11:16)jurialmunkey Wrote: 0.9.4 - New OSD design

Okay, after playing around with a few things, I changed my mind and made a new OSD design to fit with the more minimal feel of Aura. Got a some inspiration from Hitcher's awesome fTV skin, though this definitely has its own Aura spin on those ideas.

Let me know what you guys think!

Very nice minimal look  Smile
Setup: LG OLED65B7 | Onkyo TX-RZ50 | OPPO UDP-203 4K Blu-Ray player | Nvidia Shield TV | Dune HD Homatics Box R 4K Plus | KEF T205
My Favourite Skin: Arctic Fuse mod
(2018-02-23, 11:16)jurialmunkey Wrote: 0.9.4 - New OSD design

Okay, after playing around with a few things, I changed my mind and made a new OSD design to fit with the more minimal feel of Aura. Got a some inspiration from Hitcher's awesome fTV skin, though this definitely has its own Aura spin on those ideas.

Let me know what you guys think!



That looks very nice
Is it possible to use this Skin on Kodi 18 Leia?
(2018-02-23, 12:34)Cyku007 Wrote: Is it possible to use this Skin on Kodi 18 Leia?

It isn't specifically for Leia, but most things should work fine. You will need to replace 1080i/DialogAddonSettings.xml with this modified one:

And you will need to increase the xbmc.gui version in the addon.xml to 5.13.0
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
Thanks for the quick response! But i have to say i‘m Not a pro Big Grin so Idk what to do Big Grin But thanks for your help. I will Wait for an official release for leia. Smile
(2018-02-23, 11:16)jurialmunkey Wrote: 0.9.4 - New OSD design

Okay, after playing around with a few things, I changed my mind and made a new OSD design to fit with the more minimal feel of Aura. Got a some inspiration from Hitcher's awesome fTV skin, though this definitely has its own Aura spin on those ideas.

Let me know what you guys think!




Just amazing Big Grin

Thanks so much
@jurialmunkey- Thank you so much for the info and guidance.
Way more than I expected or could have asked for. 

If my ideas look good should I post them here or wait till Aura is finished? 

Again thank you.
(2018-02-23, 13:42)mxlance Wrote: @jurialmunkey- Thank you so much for the info and guidance.
Way more than I expected or could have asked for. 

If my ideas look good should I post them here or wait till Aura is finished? 

Again thank you.

No worries at all. It can feel a bit like a jungle when it isn't your own code - I even get lost if I haven't looked at in a while. I really should comment my code in more detail, but I'm lazy! Wink

Yeah post screenshots in this thread. I'm interested to see what you come up with. Just hold off on putting up download links until the skin is on official repo.
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
Erm having another look at Aura (Its too tempting not too Smile )

Im loving the views expect the Background Fade (vignette) on the "showcase view" I prefer a Bright background I have managed to get this by renaming "common\white.png" I assume this isn't best practise but it works however then the other views don't look right and columns and boxes are "lost" without the fade

Is there an tweak in the (assume) "Includes_View_Posters.xml" to not use the vignette for the ​​​​​​​showcase view ?
Love this change! I was actually going to see if you would be willing to move the OSD to the bottom of the screen.

This skin is quickly become a favorite.

Great work!
@jurialmunkey – sorry to say I need more help already.
I lowered the widget as you instructed, however it only lowers the first widget.
When I scroll down the widgets scroll up the screen.
I experimented with various combinations in the Constants_Main.xml,Constants_Hone_NoMouse.xml, and Includes_Widgets.xml could not figure it out. 

What I am looking for is the widgets to scroll in place. Always displaying in a single row along the bottom. Any suggestions? 
Thanks for the help
(2018-02-23, 11:16)jurialmunkey Wrote: 0.9.4 - New OSD design

Okay, after playing around with a few things, I changed my mind and made a new OSD design to fit with the more minimal feel of Aura. Got a some inspiration from Hitcher's awesome fTV skin, though this definitely has its own Aura spin on those ideas.

Let me know what you guys think!

This is perfect. Have you already made this change to github?

I was going to try something similar and push the controls to the bottom of the screen as well.
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