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Release Aura
(2018-05-28, 18:43)fonzie Wrote: Great skin!  I didn't know how Horizon could be topped, but this one managed to do it for me.  It's faster and more intuitive.  Visually, it is also very appealing.

The only thing that I wish was brought over from Horizon was the button on the OSD to toggle through the various audio tracks (similar to what the current subtitle button does in Aura).  Is this something you'd consider adding?  As it is, you have to navigate to the audio settings and then open the audio tracks window and then select the next track.  I feel like it's too many steps, and it would be awesome to streamline that process.  Maybe even making it an option because I know not everyone will need it.  

Now that I think about it, same thing with the Bookmarks button.

When I get some time, I will add some options for osd controls. I'm thinking toggle-able buttons for audio-settings, video-settings, audio-channel, subtitles, bookmarks. If there are any others I've missed, please let me know.
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
(2018-05-29, 16:42)Animizio Wrote: Edit: Okay I get an - 1 Error, so he cant find the tvshow i guess (the developer said, its a sign that the tvshow is not in the library) but it is.. .. .i m using Streams. Dont know if thats the Problem maybe?

There's your problem. Next-up only supports local files.
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
(2018-05-30, 17:54)curael Wrote: @jurialmunkey is there any way the skin can force generating thumbs for the widgets? Whenever I add an episode to my library the thumb is not generated before I enter the episodes view so that Kodi forces a thumb. I'm not using that thumb download thing. I hate it. I like the high res Kodi generated ones better but unfortunately the files are not touched from the skin main menu so the thumbs are not generated until I visit the show folder. :| It's sorta sad. I understand if this is a limitation though. Smile

Unfortunately, it is a kodi core limitation - nothing I can do on the skin side of things.
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
(2018-05-31, 03:37)benrita Wrote: Love the skin, nice and quick to load everything.
2 questions - 1) is it possible to lower widgets to bottom of screen so top of fanart background is seen & 2) is it possible to select my own single image for background of each item in main menu ?
Thank you

1. No. And there wont be an option for it as its not that type of skin.
2. Yes, you can select your own backgrounds in the home customisation dialog in Skin Settings.
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
2. Yes, you can select your own backgrounds in the home customisation dialog in Skin Settings.

When I select single image to change background it takes me to some folder named "jud" which is not in my Windows computer, all other skins take me to my windows folder.
Any ideas why.
Thank you
(2018-05-30, 17:54)curael Wrote:
(2018-05-30, 09:44)joro_abv Wrote: Just got back for a while to Estuary MOD v.2 on Leia and I noticed a huge improvement on the widgets side - widgets there now support proper views for custom library nodes, like genres etc. Can we expect the same for Aura ?
Read a bit earlier. https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid2734631 Jurial implemented a rule set of naming for widgets based on genre, company, and so on to ensure the widgets are shown right. I now have a custom genre widget for only my anime videos and it shows the icons and everything. But you can read more in my post with the images, and then his response and his fix. Smile It works!

@jurialmunkey is there any way the skin can force generating thumbs for the widgets? Whenever I add an episode to my library the thumb is not generated before I enter the episodes view so that Kodi forces a thumb. I'm not using that thumb download thing. I hate it. I like the high res Kodi generated ones better but unfortunately the files are not touched from the skin main menu so the thumbs are not generated until I visit the show folder. :| It's sorta sad. I understand if this is a limitation though. Smile 
Thanks, I'll check it out.
(2018-05-31, 08:19)benrita Wrote: 2. Yes, you can select your own backgrounds in the home customisation dialog in Skin Settings.

When I select single image to change background it takes me to some folder named "jud" which is not in my Windows computer, all other skins take me to my windows folder.
Any ideas why.
Thank you

Edit- Found problem, in file manager/root there was a profile called jud, deleted it and now Windows folder shows
FYI, I spent a great deal of time Modding AURA to lower widgets to show off Fanart and it worked well enough.
However it was a waste of time, AURA looks best as is.
The only mod I kept, is I changed the date/time to look more like Horizion.
Will this skin be ported into german language? Smile
I m german and can help if you want.
When I press Info on a movie and navigate down, there is By [Director], Similar, and other movies from the production company, then at the very bottom is Information. Is there any way I can remove all of those except Information? I would like to hit down to get to Information, and don't want any of the other sections.
Skin looks really great, is there a possibility to add Clearart view?
Hello, Sir. I have been busy playing with your skin since a couple of hours to work around the videowindow screen. This is what I could come up with:


I would be really happy if you would kindly add the following lines in DialogVideoInfo so that the above can take effect permanently Smile
<control type="group">
            <control type="image">
            <control type="image">
                <texture colordiffuse="ff000000">common/white.png</texture>
            <control type="videowindow">
            <control type="group">
                <visible>!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(OSDInfo)) | Player.ShowInfo | Window.IsActive(DialogFullScreenInfo.xml) | [Player.Paused + Skin.HasSetting(ShowInfoPaused)]</visible>
                <!-- Overlay -->
                <control type="image">

                <control type="group">
                    <control type="group">
                        <control type="image">
                            <include condition="!Skin.HasSetting(DisableShadows)">Defs_Shadow_24</include>
                            <aspectratio aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
                            <texture diffuse="diffuse/widgetposter.png">$VAR[Image_OSD_Artwork]</texture>
                    <control type="group" description="info">
                        <control type="grouplist">
                            <control type="grouplist">
                                <control type="label">
                            <control type="grouplist">
                                <visible>!String.IsEmpty(VideoPlayer.TvShowTitle) | !String.IsEmpty(VideoPlayer.Year) | !String.IsEmpty(VideoPlayer.MPAA) | !String.IsEmpty(VideoPlayer.Genre)</visible>
                                <control type="image">
                                    <texture colordiffuse="main_fg_100">$VAR[Image_OSD_HDSD]</texture>
                                <control type="label">
            <control type="group">
            <control type="group">
                <control type="progress" id="401">
                <control type="progress">
                    <texturebg colordiffuse="00ffffff" border="4">diffuse/progress-bg.png</texturebg>
                    <lefttexture colordiffuse="00ffffff" border="4">diffuse/progress-left.png</lefttexture>
                    <midtexture colordiffuse="$VAR[ColorHighlight2]" border="4" diffuse="progress/diffuse.png">diffuse/progress-end.png</midtexture>
                    <righttexture colordiffuse="$VAR[ColorHighlight2]" border="4" diffuse="progress/diffuse-end.png">diffuse/progress-right.png</righttexture>
                    <include content="Defs_Progress_Colorfade">
                    <param name="id" value="401" />
(2018-05-31, 16:28)Animizio Wrote: Will this skin be ported into german language? Smile
I m german and can help if you want.

If someone translates the skin and provides a strings.po file, I will be happy to include it Wink
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
(2018-06-01, 09:42)VikkiXavier Wrote: Hello, Sir. I have been busy playing with your skin since a couple of hours to work around the videowindow screen. This is what I could come up with:

This looks fantastic! I will add it shortly. Big Grin
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
Thank you, Sir. Also, please add !Play.HasVideo in Topbar_Info so that neither the Time or "Information" text would appear when trailer is playing. 

If you don't mind could you make the skin to hide time when we press "Up" to read the full plot as it is not really necessary while reading the plot.

Thank you once again, Sir. Smile
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