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Release IPTV Simple Client recording for Windows Krypton
I know this has been asked for a few times in this forum but I believe this might be the first build of IPTV Simple Client with recording for Windows.

The latest build is 17.0.0-Krypton-Win-Record.
and the zip is

It is based on the pvr.iptvsimple fork from @rkubera.
rtmpdump support has been removed.
Recording is passed off to a background process using ffmpeg.exe which you can get from https://www.ffmpeg.org/download.html

Set the recording path in Settings.
ts is the most reliable ffmpeg file extension to deal with timestamp issues.
The ffmpeg parameters are a simple -c copy.

I expect it will only work on basic stream urls so far.
Extra parameters separated by | or space are simply passed to ffmpeg and won't work.
You could wrap ffmpeg in a script to deal with that until it is fixed.
Tested just now and it works pretty darn sweet, cheers you very much for this.
Any chance you could make it work with special://-paths for both ffmpeg.exe and the recording-path?
Using special:// for ffmpeg.exe force closes Kodi, using it for the recording path does not give an error but does not result in succesfull recordings either.
(2018-03-03, 18:48)Quihico Wrote: Tested just now and it works pretty darn sweet, cheers you very much for this.
Any chance you could make it work with special://-paths for both ffmpeg.exe and the recording-path?
Using special:// for ffmpeg.exe force closes Kodi, using it for the recording path does not give an error but does not result in succesfull recordings either.
 Thanks. I'll have a look at the paths. I expect there is a simple translatepath call like in python addons somewhere. This is my first time trying to add code to a binary addon.

I'm struggling getting Leia built as the streams I've recorded don't play on Krypton for some reason. They are h264/aac. If I strip the audio from the file they play. Was there an issue with aac in Krypton?

If you want to chip in with any code I'd be grateful. There are a lot of great features in some of the 161 forks of pvr.iptvsimple that could do with adding in.
Multiple xmltv and m3u files would be useful.
is it possible to use this addon on s905x Boxes with Libreelec and Kodi 18`?
(2018-03-03, 22:39)Antaril Wrote: is it possible to use this addon on s905x Boxes with Libreelec and Kodi 18`?
 Right now the dirent.h file is Windows specific. That needs to be removed for a Linux build.

rkubera has made some builds from his fork that might work on LibreELEC without any modifications.
I managed to build and run his Krypton branch on Ubuntu 17.10.

Have a look at some of the branches from simphax too. I've pulled in the Recordings code from there.

I'll try and target LibreELEC when I manage to get Windows Leia to compile.

I did notice that the PVRSchedulerThread:: Process seems to be spinning continuously so I added a sleep() in there.
On Windows in was using up a lot of CPU. It might wait on something in Linux. I'll update this post next time I do a Linux build.
(2018-03-03, 18:48)Quihico Wrote: Tested just now and it works pretty darn sweet, cheers you very much for this.
Any chance you could make it work with special://-paths for both ffmpeg.exe and the recording-path?
Using special:// for ffmpeg.exe force closes Kodi, using it for the recording path does not give an error but does not result in succesfull recordings either.
 I can't see a way to use the special protocols.
The function you need is
but when you include
#include "filesystem/SpecialProtocol.h"
the addon won't build.

I can't see any other binary addon using TranslatePath so maybe it's a limitation of addons.

I'm getting deeper into the build system than I wanted to.
I found a bug in cmake that doesn't detect the Windows SDK in win7 that stops Leia building.
Wow, thank you very much.
But on Kodi 18 it is not working. API 5.2.1 support is needed. Can you fix it, please?
(2018-03-04, 15:23)Publish3r Wrote: Wow, thank you very much.
But on Kodi 18 it is not working. API 5.2.1 support is needed. Can you fix it, please?
 I can't build for Kodi 18. I've been trying the last 2 days but keep running into compiler errors.
I've got a feeling building is broken in Win7 64 and only works in Win10 right now.
There is a problem with cmake not finding the Windows SDK for a start.
I then ran into some fails with DirectX.

I haven't got any hard drive space left to install Win10 but if you have please have a go at compiling it.
I have Windows 10 64 bit on one of my laptops. If you explain me step by step what to do i can try it.
(2018-03-04, 16:18)Publish3r Wrote: I have Windows 10 64 bit on one of my laptops. If you explain me step by step what to do i can try it.
Follow this very carefully to get Kodi compiled.

These instructions worked on Krypton but the paths might be different in Leia. I didn't get that far to find out.

Run the BuildSetup.bat file when it tells you to with the argument nomingwinlibs if you run it after the step that tells you to build the mingwinlibs or it will compile ffmpeg twice.

Checkout my Kwin branch somewhere.

Change the file that tells where the code for pvr.iptvsimple is.
It is somewhere like:
Change the path inside the file to where you checked out the pvr.iptvsimple repo. eg
pvr.iptvsimple file://C:\xbmc\pvr.iptvsimple
Build the addon with:
cd C:\xbmc\tools\buildsteps\win32
make-addons.bat pvr.iptvsimple

That should remake the addon and put it in

You can then zip up that folder and install it in Kodi.

simple Smile
Here is a new build that has a Recordings folder and enables Pause. The code was from simphax originally.

Unicode program titles will crash the Recordings folder view. I need some help fixing that and the CreateProcess call with unicode strings. I hate unicode.

The default output extension for ffmpeg is now ts. That should stop any timestamp problems.

I'm installing the needed software now.
When it's done i will give it a try, but it seems to be very difficult - looks very wild. Big Grin
Linux builds quite easily just by removing the dirent.h file.
Here is the linux branch.

This is the build for Ubuntu 17.10 Krypton 17.6.

It handles unicode file names like a champ. Windows sucks at unicode.

It does seem to have problems keeping up with the what's recording notifications on Linux for some reason.

The original rkubera build did seem to be continuously spinning and taking up 100% CPU as far as I could see. Maybe something was missing.
[EDIT] I think I spoke too soon. There are still issues with 100% CPU and messages about the Scheduler thread not stopping.
Asked in the german kodi forum for help. It's to difficult for me.
(2018-03-04, 20:50)Publish3r Wrote: Asked in the german kodi forum for help. It's to difficult for me.
 If you can speak German, code should be easy. Wink

I'll have to find a way to put Windows 10 on a machine sometime if Leia demands it.
I really would prefer to stick with lucky Windows 7 as long as possible. Win10 was an abomination when I tried it last.
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IPTV Simple Client recording for Windows Krypton2
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