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v18 Rar Archive Support
(2021-05-26, 23:45)markg11 Wrote: After enabling RAR support, my (brand-new install) KODI crashes immediately on startup with not enough RAM error.  If I remove all the RAR files then it will start, show the error but not crash.
It is possible you are suffering from this issue instead...

Might be worth trying that test build to see if it resolves the problem. You can try installing in Portable mode (wiki) to test.
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(2021-05-26, 21:25)corb06 Wrote: Is it possible to get rid of the notifcation saying Rar Archive support; 32 GB not enough memory available to decompress files?
I've tried everything. I had to roll back to 18 caused over 1,000 of my movies are rar'ed. Sucks
Sorry. I'm confused by some of the answers in this thread.
The addon Rar Archive support shows up in the Matrix repository but doesn't seem to be working at all in v19.
Am I doing something wrong or must I roll back to v18?
This just got updated? Is there any reason to update this atm, kinda worried to mess with shit
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