Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v17 QUARTZ - Krypton
Hat tip to the creator of this skin: pecinko.

Quartz is easily my favorite skin. I've been maintaining it for personal use since Helix.

Time to share this labor of love with the Kodi community...

New or Notable in this Edition:
  • configurable fanart transparency – 10 levels
  • live TV support
  • legacy animated Media Info 2 restored
  • hide watched progress indicators option – fixed
  • custom backgrounds for the home screen
  • default theme changed to classic blue/black
  • legacy badge scrolling for movie view restored
  • other fixes and QoL changes too numerous to list or remember

Download Here:

Please to enjoy!

watch gallery
Change Log

  • new skin theme - Angular

  • reskinned video bookmarks backported from leia

  • shortened animation time for Media info 2 view
  • moved all/watched/unwatched toggle to the top of the movies option menu
  • reorganized skin settings categories to make way for new features - coming soon

  • added watched content indicators per user request
  • watched and unwatched/progress indicators are now off by default

  • default icons phase 2 - more granular control delivering improved icon diversity
  • added dynamic sort letter badge for scrolling in movie/music views - on demand page control (right arrow) is unaffected by this change

  • added a slew of default icons appropriated from Estuary - hope this change is well received

  • improved DialogVideoInfo with respect to actors/roles and default thumbs

  • improved wrapper for TCM
  • Spinal Tap inspired option for 'Background art visibility' setting

  • added TCM utility to skin archive and advanced settings - see comment above
  • OSD transparency setting applies to seekbar now as well

  • new skin setting to play music fullscreen
  • fullscreen music player now defaults to showing fanart
  • new skin setting to hide fanart in fullscreen music player
  • improvements to main settings screen

  • added a couple more notches to menu transparency settings and made the defaults less aggressive
  • transparency settings now apply to side-blade menus as well

  • complete overhaul of Q5CE menus - see comment above for details
  • added skin for CU LRC Lyrics
  • music OSD gets new control textures

  • improvements to music info dialog
  • added user rating to music visualizer - keyboard shortcut 'PageUp' 'PageDown'
  • focused video player control now tints to selected skin color rather than hard-coded orange
  • music player OSD gets the same treatment

  • skin archive now contains packed textures for improved render performance
  • fixed issue with PVR not correctly displaying subchannel numbers

  • video bookmarks functionality restored
  • added video info to options OSD menu
  • fixed conditional visibility issues across OSD components
  • reskinned codec OSD to shrink footprint and segregate PVR/Player info into tabs

  • fixed display issue with DialogSlider - keyboard shortcut 'a'
  • added new skin colors
  • added custom home background art feature - experimental

  • fixed missing metadata in add-on browser/info views
  • codec info is now available during full screen video playback - keyboard shortcut 'o'

  • skin settings gets a new look, additional options and categories with which to organize them
  • event log viewer fixes

  • improvements to full screen OSD
  • improvements to video info OSD
  • improvements to progress dialog

  • port related bug fixes
  • complete overhaul of the music playlist editor
  • cosmetic changes to smart playlist editor
  • channel group switching for DialogPVRChannelsOSD

  • port related bug fixes
  • improvements to weather
  • removed Last FM button from music info views
  • propagated configurable fanart transparency to all views
  • cosmetic change to numeric keypad
  • DialogPVRChannelsOSD altered for visual continuity

Skin archive now includes Milhouse's superb Texture Cache Maintenance utility. The tool can be launched from a new settings option:

Settings>Skin>Advanced>Cache library art

The purpose of this implementation is to cache recently scraped artwork for improved render performance; just as if you went through the tedious process of browsing each texture manually. TCM can do much more, of course. Check it out if you haven't already.

Today's update brings significant change to menus. The mashup of opaque, transparent and drop shadow menus is gone. Backed by a single new texture, context menus, options menus and pop-up controls are now consistent in appearance and window placement. Last but not least, menu transparency is user configurable via a pair of new skin settings.

Settings>Skin>Views>Menu transparency (Off, Low, MediumLow, Medium, MediumHigh, High, default=MediumLow)

Settings>Skin>Views>OSD menu transparency (Off, Low, MediumLow, Medium, MediumHigh, High, default=MediumHigh)

Transparency parameters are located in the skin color files for folks wanting to tinker.


<color name="MenuOff">ffffffff</color>
<color name="MenuLow">f0f0f0f0</color>
<color name="MenuMedLow">e0e0e0e0</color>
<color name="MenuMed">d0d0d0d0</color>
<color name="MenuMedHigh">c0c0c0Cc</color>
<color name="MenuHigh">b0b0b0b0</color>
<color name="OSDOff">ffffffff</color>
<color name="OSDLow">c0c0c0c0</color>
<color name="OSDMedLow">b0b0b0b0</color>
<color name="OSDMed">a0a0a0a0</color>
<color name="OSDMedHigh">90909090</color>
<color name="OSDHigh">80808080</color>

Quick note about today's update. You'll want to enable 'Settings>Videos>File lists>Extract chapter thumbnails' for the best experience with video bookmarks.

Today's update was about having some fun. Added several new color options for the skin. Per user request, I also added a custom background capability to the Quartz home screen. This option is experimental at this point but I'm liking it so far. Let me know what you think.

Settings>Skin settings>Homepage>Enable custom background for homepage

Note: Background art must enabled to access this option and this image is affected by the 'Background Art Visibility' setting.

Okay guys, I've been through this code from stem to stern fixing every bug and aesthetic incongruity I could find. Should be ready for prime-time. Whether you're a devoted fan of Quartz, or just curious about what this skin has to offer, I hope you will give it a try. Let me know how it goes. It's lonely in here. Lol
Thanks nonjon for the link (from [WIP] Quartz 5 (Krypton support)) to this thread.

I am having trouble with the Audio offset control - 'A' on the keyboard when playing videos. The nib image appears greatly oversized, and off-center, and it does not move when the audio offset changes. I can locate the component images (slider*.png) in media/HUD, and I can see where they are referenced in defaults.xml, but there I reach my limits.

This problem exists in TXP01's skin.quartz.krypton GitHub skin. I have downloaded your latest today, and it's there too. I hope you may be able to see what the matter is.
No problem. Thanks for bringing this issue to my attention. It has been fixed as of this writing. A couple other goodies come with this update. See Comments/Change Log above.
Much appreciated
I like this skin and I' m planned to stick with it but there are some areas, which I'd like to be different.
First is the default view, which I prefer to be an info list. I've managed to change this from xml file, because otherwise must change it manual for every show, but it would be nice to have an option to generally change the default view.
The other thing that it bothers me is the watched state icons. Most other skins I' ve tried use to have a checkmark or a bullet icon for watched episodes and no icon for unwatched. In quartz skin happens the oposite which is confusing. I haven't found how to change this but I think that the related code is in "CommonViews.xml".
What needs to be changed to reverse the watched/unwatched state behaviour, so the watched videos to have the bullet graphic instead of the unwatched?
And also, it would be nice if there was an option for this in skin settings.
Hi dancaer69,

Thanks for the feedback. I was already thinking about skin settings to default the views for various media types. Haven't really looked into it yet but I will. Hard-coding a different default view is not something I would consider because that is a purely subjective matter.

Not trying to convince you to like something you don't, but there is actually sound reasoning behind the unwatched icon approach. First, it's not a binary indicator like watched. It shows incremental progress of media as it is consumed. A useful feature for some. Also, because watched content usually outnumbers unwatched, often significantly, what you end up with is a much less cluttered view.

Nevertheless, I will look into adding watched indicators in addition to the unwatched/progress icons and you can bet there would be an option to turn those off as well because I can't stand having either cluttering up my screen. Wink BTW, you do know these icons can be hidden and that there is an options menu feature that allows you to cycle though all/watched/unwatched, right?
I already find how to change the default view from xml, is very good news that you plan to include this option, so I don' t have to change it in every update.
About watched/unwatched status for me, because I watch many different shows but later than release dates and when subtitles are available(and in some this happens many days after), the watched indicators help me to quick scroll to the last unwatched episode. It's not that I like it or not, I just used it for many years. And now when I don't see a mark in front of an episode I automatically think that is unwatced.
I know about this menu option and if I find a way to assign this toggle action to a remote control button, I will try it. But otherwise it's not so comfortable.
Except these issues the skin is very nice, simple and clear though. And also is one of the rear which have big fonts. If you add the above options it will be perfect.
I see that you already add the watched status option. I just tested and works as expected. 
You're very welcome. You can do me a favor by removing the code from your post. Hurts my eyes.
Any chance that you make this skin compatibel with kodi Leia?
Isn't already?
(2018-05-17, 15:33)Aaiemron Wrote: Any chance that you make this skin compatibel with kodi Leia?

Already is:

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