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Release IPTV Recorder
The xmltv dtd actually does say xmltv_ns numbering starts at 0.
So there really is no convention for specials, which is weird.

The channel, start and stop times will have to go in the file names to stop conflicts.
Have you seen a standard format of where in the name to add them?
I guess if they need to stay in it might not be possible to be done at the time of recording.
It needs to be renamed and moved to a new folder if the person decides to archive it
It would be nice if all the recordings got added to the Kodi Library properly with all the right meta info.
I'll have a think about how to do it.
0.0.33 has a lot of filename changes.
If all goes well it will split the files up into folders: TV, Movies, Other.
Other is for unknown.

The logic to detect the video type is getting pretty complicated.
If anyone spots a way to detect Other videos better please let me know.

The videos I've tested usually scan into the Kodi Library.
The Pointless show didn't but Judge Judy and a few others did.
The movie Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) did.

I've taken out the ffmpeg probe command as that seemed to hang.
Hi Primaeval,

I have followed your thread on the HD recordings and now installed this add-on, gotta say i am very impressed with how you have got on so far.

I am using your add-on on LibreELEC and have managed to successfully make recordings.

Just to let you know that I appear to have an endless progress bar at 0% for "Creating Database", although everything seems to work as expected.

I have also noticed that on one occasion I have clicked on a job and removed it, only for the recording to keep increasing in size (still recording).

Would love to see the UI being a bit more user friendly, i.e. EPG as a datagrid and the record, remind and play options within a context menu

Cannot fault your efforts so far, awesome job and have made me interested in contributing to this (c# dev)

There have been a few changes to cancelling recordings recently. Some of them didn't cancel current recordings.
I think I've got a reliable method now for retrying ffmpeg 5 times with 5 second waits and cancelling should work.

After spending a couple of years working on the epg in TV Guide Fullscreen I have no intension of adding it to IPTV Recorder in the foreseeable future.
It is a huge amount of work that I don't have the energy for.
If you want to give it a go be my guest.
Maybe when everything else is stable.
I would like to thank you so much for this awesome addon @primaeval.
Being able to search for a show, record it and have it mostly come down to the correct season and episode in the TV folder is amazing.

Great work and thanks.
Thanks, it works good on Windows.
I found a little bug. If i change in the settings file the savepath to a network path (like:  smb://FRITZ-NAS/FRITZ.NAS/Folder/) following happens:
Recording fails, but i can open the recording folder from the addon.
If i set the savepath to: \\Fritz-nas\fritz.nas\Folder\
Recording is working, but i can't open the recording folder from the addon.
[EDIT] I don't think this answers your question. I think I need a break. I'll have a look later.

I very much doubt if recording on any network drive will work reliably.

The recording is done with ffmpeg in a shell on the operating system of the device you are on.
Most ffmpeg versions aren't compiled with the libraries to write to smb or nfs drives.
Even then the login user credentials aren't passed from Kodi to the shell to ffmpeg so it doesn't know how to log in.

You could mount a network drive on your device in the operating system to make it easier for ffmpeg to access the network drive.

There is probably a way to redirect the output of ffmpeg back to Kodi and let Kodi's network file handling write to the network drive.

I haven't got the energy to try all that but if you or anyone else wants to experiment, be my guest.
(2018-04-18, 16:14)Publish3r Wrote: Thanks, it works good on Windows.
I found a little bug. If i change in the settings file the savepath to a network path (like:  smb://FRITZ-NAS/FRITZ.NAS/Folder/) following happens:
Recording fails, but i can open the recording folder from the addon.
If i set the savepath to: \\Fritz-nas\fritz.nas\Folder\
Recording is working, but i can't open the recording folder from the addon.
 Try 0.0.38.
I'll probably change it later but this might work for you right now.

There is a setting for the "ffmpeg Recording Folder" in "Jobs and Rules" that is relative to the operating system.
It is like running ffmpeg from the command line.
So if Kodi sees a Windows Share as
you need to put
and make sure it has the right permissions and is writeable from a cmd prompt.

Kodi will create the folder for the recording and the .json info file but ffmpeg will create the actual video .ts file.

I expect this is going to confuse the hell out of people but if you want something simple you can pay the Plex people.

If you leave the "ffmpeg Recording Folder" blank it will use the "Kodi Recording Folder" instead, which should work for a local folder.
(2018-04-18, 10:54)Nojustice Wrote: Hi Primaeval,

I have followed your thread on the HD recordings and now installed this add-on, gotta say i am very impressed with how you have got on so far.

I am using your add-on on LibreELEC and have managed to successfully make recordings.

Just to let you know that I appear to have an endless progress bar at 0% for "Creating Database", although everything seems to work as expected.

I have also noticed that on one occasion I have clicked on a job and removed it, only for the recording to keep increasing in size (still recording).

Would love to see the UI being a bit more user friendly, i.e. EPG as a datagrid and the record, remind and play options within a context menu

Cannot fault your efforts so far, awesome job and have made me interested in contributing to this (c# dev)
 If you really need the epg have a look at TV Guide Fullscreen.
You can do recording with the AutoPlayWiths with ffmpeg like IPTV Recorder.
At the moment there are just Once and Always rules, and New if you have a compatible xmltv file.
The difference is that the recording is done by playing the channel, sniffing the url it uses and stopping it before sending the url to ffmpeg to record.
That means that if you're watching something and a recording starts it will stop your program.
It is the only reliable way to record from addons that might constantly switch url.

I'll have a think about linking back from TV Guide Fullscreen to IPTV Recorder or put the extra recording modes into TVGF.

The progress bar must have just got stuck on a load somewhere.
If you read from a local xmltv file that is downloaded by another addon there might be a read conflict going on.
It might also have just got stuck with an addon update in the middle of the download.
Love the potential of this, truly is a game changer. I'm getting a Script Error when clicking on a channel - Tried following the directions listed earlier in the thread for fixing my XMLTV file, but get the same error even with a blank one (Only channels listed, provided via the PSVue EPG Service).

19:43:47 T:7872 WARNING: [xbmcswift2] No converter provided, unicode should be used, but returning str value
Full Log:

Alternatively, if this is XMLTV related, is there any way to simply record a channel for a determined amount of time without the need for the show information?

The only thing I can see in the log is
19:43:08 T:7872   ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::Create - Error creating C:\
Have you set the Recording Folder to somewhere writable?

Have a look in
and tell me if it has downloaded all the files correctly.
You should have

The first two files should be the ones from IPTV Simple.
Make sure the contents look right and the file size is reasonable.

If you turn the Debug menu on in Settings you can NUKE the database and start again.
That should fix any database problems.
You can delete everything in the
folder except setting.xml to reset everything.

What sort of timed record do you want? Once, Always?
I'll see if I can add it in.

Note that recording through Kodi is never going to be as stable as using something like TVHeadend or NextPVR but it should be easier to do on a single device, especially Android.
version 0.0.39
- Channel based Once/Daily Time Rules.

Just for you.
You can now make Time based rules for Channels.
They are in the Context Menu for each Channel as:
Add One Time Rule
Add Daily Time Rule
version 0.0.40
- Group Load Filter

This should reduce the clutter of unwanted Channel Groups.
On the Channel Groups context menu you can multi-select only the groups you want to load programmes from the xmltv file.
On the Groups context menu you can toggle to load the group.

Note that channels that aren't in any group will only be loaded if there are no groups in the load list.

You can also use my xmltv Meld addon to reduce the number of channels in your xmltv file.
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