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Release IPTV Recorder
(2018-09-15, 19:21)nashnash Wrote: Sorry can you please tell me how to get it. Somehow I am not able to locate it. In once in org. Xbmc. Kodi/files there's nothing. To get the log I used a plug in.
 You probably need to turn on hidden files.
Kodi \ Settings \ Media \ General \ show hidden files and directories
make sure you are on Advanced or Expert mode, not Standard.

That could also be the problem with recording.

You should be able to plug your shield into your computer like a phone I think.
Okay I was able to turn on Hidden files and I am no longer showing notifications error message while doing record once. However the recording is not working really. There's no file or it's 0 size. The log confirms that there was an error. See below the log. If you still need the previously requested file let me know. But I think that error was due to the visibility settings. Now it is a new issue. I'm loading a different stream to see if it streams dependant issue. Here is the log


Loaded a new m3u and epg and the previous error is back and in the notification. Pulling the the file you requested
(2018-09-15, 20:59)nashnash Wrote: Okay I was able to turn on Hidden files and I am no longer showing notifications error message while doing record once. However the recording is not working really. There's no file or it's 0 size. The log confirms that there was an error. See below the log. If you still need the previously requested file let me know. But I think that error was due to the visibility settings. Now it is a new issue. I'm loading a different stream to see if it streams dependant issue. Here is the log


That's encouraging that something new has happened.

Try turning on Kodi debugging
Kodi \ Settings \ System \ Logging \ enable debug logging
and debugging in the addon.
Settings \ Debug \ debug ffmpeg stdout/stderr

The addon debugging should give you an extra file or two in the jobs folder with the error output from ffmpeg.
Here's the newest log

And here's the content from the job folder
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os, subprocess, time
import xbmc,xbmcvfs,xbmcgui
xbmcgui.Dialog().notification("Recording: FR : EURONEWS", "Prime Edition", sound=True)
cmd = ['/data/data/org.xbmc.kodi/ffmpeg', '-i', u'http://8******.***:6969/live/m#####@yahoo.com/Q0f5d###/1550.ts', '-reconnect', '1', '-reconnect_at_eof', '1', '-reconnect_streamed', '1', '-reconnect_delay_max', '300', '-y', '-t', '630', '-c', 'copy', '-f', 'mpegts', '-']
stdout = open(r'/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.iptv.recorder/jobs/744e6bdc-b91a-11e8-8a7d-9d2531df79e6.py.stdout.txt','w+')
stderr = open(r'/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.iptv.recorder/jobs/744e6bdc-b91a-11e8-8a7d-9d2531df79e6.py.stderr.txt','w+')
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, shell=False)
f = open(r'/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.iptv.recorder/jobs/744e6bdc-b91a-11e8-8a7d-9d2531df79e6.py.pid', 'w+')
video = xbmcvfs.File(r'/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/temp/Other/Prime Edition - FR %3A EURONEWS - 2018-09-15 14-00.ts','wb')
while True:
data = p.stdout.read(1000000)
xbmcgui.Dialog().notification("Recording finished: FR : EURONEWS", "Prime Edition", sound=True)
I tried to send you a pm but you need to enable receiving messages.
Nor sure why but I am not able to send pm. May be because the account new. My settings have pm enabled. So I guess same issue prevents me from receiving. Not sure what I can do about this
(2018-09-15, 22:42)nashnash Wrote: Nor sure why but I am not able to send pm. May be because the account new. My settings have pm enabled. So I guess same issue prevents me from receiving. Not sure what I can do about this

I added you from the buddy request and you have 10 posts already. I still can't send you a pm for some reason. Try to pm me.

You might need to * out the url in your job post if it isn't allowed here.
It really should work now. 

Kodi is trying to write the ffmpeg output to the kodi temp folder which it must have permission to already as that is where the kodi.log is written:
/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/temp/Other/Prime Edition - FR %3A EURONEWS - 2018-09-15 14-00.ts
Did it manage to make the "Other" folder in the temp folder?

The only thing that could be different is the ffmpeg version.

I don't think there are any extra Android settings you need to enable to allow it to write there but it's worth checking in the Storage settings.

Maybe even a reboot might help.
Yes it did create the Other folder.  I can see all the recording in the Recording titles in the folders...and in the other folder i can see files for each attempted recording program with 0 bytes.  
Not sure what...But I uninstalled Kodi and will try it over again from start.  ffmpeg is from the link in thread and it's the one you indicated using.  I will report what tomorrow.  I appreciate all your help on this.  You've been really great and patient with a newbie.
(2018-09-16, 07:03)nashnash Wrote: Yes it did create the Other folder.  I can see all the recording in the Recording titles in the folders...and in the other folder i can see files for each attempted recording program with 0 bytes.  
Not sure what...But I uninstalled Kodi and will try it over again from start.  ffmpeg is from the link in thread and it's the one you indicated using.  I will report what tomorrow.  I appreciate all your help on this.  You've been really great and patient with a newbie.
 We must be nearly there.
A fresh start is probably a good idea or just clean the Kodi data folder.
Make sure you pick the non-neon ffmpeg from that zip and put it somewhere on the shield that it can be copied from.
Leave everything as default in IPTV Recorder except for the ffmpeg exe, m3u and xmltv paths.
Restart Kodi after you've installed IPTV Recorder.
(2018-09-16, 07:03)nashnash Wrote: Yes it did create the Other folder.  I can see all the recording in the Recording titles in the folders...and in the other folder i can see files for each attempted recording program with 0 bytes.  
Not sure what...But I uninstalled Kodi and will try it over again from start.  ffmpeg is from the link in thread and it's the one you indicated using.  I will report what tomorrow.  I appreciate all your help on this.  You've been really great and patient with a newbie.
 Did you get anywhere?

I still can't pm you.
Turn on
Receive private messages from other users.
I have not been able to record anything for a few days. when I select an event, I always return to the list of events and not to the choices (record once, play once, ...)
I'm on archlinux and i haven't change anything in kodi.
tank you
(2018-09-18, 12:33)ciorci Wrote: I have not been able to record anything for a few days. when I select an event, I always return to the list of events and not to the choices (record once, play once, ...)
I'm on archlinux and i haven't change anything in kodi.
tank you
 If you've got any settings you want to save back up the addon_data folder first.

See if you can narrow down the problem by looking in the kodi.log file or starting with a fresh addon_data folder or even run Kodi in portable mode (kodi -p).
If it is working correctly you should get a python file in the jobs folder.
If you turn on debugging you should get a stderr.txt file with the output from ffmpeg.
with a fresh addon_data folder everything seems ok for now.
thank you
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