Popular Movies (TMDB) & Trending Movies (trakt.tv) as smart playlist
Dear community,

Background: I´ve a bunch of movies in my library and I don´t like to scroll through all the movies. Smart playlists offer nice features so filter/sort. However I would like to use information coming from communities like TMDB or trakt.tv.

I´m wondering if there is an addon available, which matches the existing movie library (comes in my case from an emby server) with available api lists from TMDB and trakt.tv regarding popular movies / trending movies.

I found the following, but unfortunately this doesn´t fit into my needs:
For instance the ExtendedInfo Script has included the mentioned lists, unfortunately it doesn´t match these lists with the available movies of my library.
Another addon "Skin Helper Service Widgets" is matching movies: "IMDB top 250 movies in my library", unfortunately only IMDB, but not from TMDB or trakt.tv.

Is there an addon available, which offers such a matching of trending/popular movies with Kodi-libraries? And would it be possible to use such an addon in a smart playlist or as submenu in a nice skin?

Thanks in advance for your answers!
Well judging by the lack of answers to this I'm guessing no was hoping for something similar to the OP's request.
Running Matrix Titan Bingie Mod skin on Nvidia Shield to Insignia 58in 4k TV in living room. Same setup on Xiaomi Mi boxes in my bedroom and home gym. Same setup in camper with a 24in tv, Google Pixel 7 Android 13 cell phone. Kodi and Plex Server Dell Inspirion 5575 Ryzen 5 HTPC Windows 10 with 5TB external HDD
Any body still looking for this, TMDB helper addon covers this feature perfectly. It links online info with your local library via Trakt.tv. That skin is Manfeed's Aeon Tajo on KODI 20 Nexus for anyone curious about it. 

Life is short, I don't have time for squabbles. Lets be friends, lets enjoy Kodi :)

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Popular Movies (TMDB) & Trending Movies (trakt.tv) as smart playlist0
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