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Beta xmltv Meld - creates a single xmltv file from rytec, zap etc
xmltv Meld

  • Joins xmltv providers into one xmltv file.
  • Current sources are from rytec, zap, koditvepg, yo.tv.
  • NEW link channels to plugin streams in Leia via "Channel Stream" in Channels context menu

Quick Start
  • Download busybox for your device.
  • Busybox: https://www.busybox.net/
  • Windows: https://frippery.org/busybox/
  • Android: https://github.com/Gnurou/busybox-android
  • Point to busybox in Settings.
  • Android will copy busybox to /data/data/ to be runnable.
  • Change your zap zipcode.
  • Select some providers (right click Add xmltv/zap).
  • Select some channels (click to add, right click to remove).
  • Press Update to generate an xmltv.xml and channels.m3u8 files in addon_data/plugin.program.xmltv.meld
  • Use the channels.m3u8 as a template. It will be overwritten on the next update.
  • Turn the Service on and set a time or period to update the xmltv file.
  • NEW Link channels to streams by subscribing to addon Folders and using the Guess Stream function (Leia only).

Source: https://github.com/primaeval/plugin.program.xmltv.meld
Install from Repo: https://github.com/primaeval/repository....-0.0.2.zip

Thanks to: edit4ever, kodinerds and the providers
hi will this program help me with my xmltv  file problem , will it work in the uk thanks
(2018-04-08, 12:35)bluebug Wrote: hi will this program help me with my xmltv  file problem , will it work in the uk thanks
 It covers most countries in the world including the UK.
The rytec sources are probably the most reliable and fastest.
(2018-04-08, 14:08)primaeval Wrote:
(2018-04-08, 12:35)bluebug Wrote: hi will this program help me with my xmltv  file problem , will it work in the uk thanks
 It covers most countries in the world including the UK.
The rytec sources are probably the most reliable and fastest.hi thanks for your reply i cannot install from  repo , but i can install from source , after install i cannot change postcode to uk it keeps asking for usa postcode on the first page it says about busybox.exe do i have to install windows version as well as i am running this through kodi when i click on a provider internet explorer pops up and says <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>@namespace html url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml); :root { fontConfusedmall Verdana; font-weight: bold; padding: 2em; padding-left:4em; } * { display: block; padding-left: 2em; } html|style { display: none; } html|span, html|a { display: inline; padding: 0; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; } html|span.block { display: block; } *[html|hidden], span.block[html|hidden] { display: none; } .expand { display: block; } .expand:before { content: '+'; color: red; position: absolute; left: -1em; } .collapse { display: block; } .collapse:before { content: '-'; color: red; position: absolute; left:-1em; }<tv generator-info-name="xmltv Meld"> </tv> thanks
(2018-04-08, 15:57)bluebug Wrote:
(2018-04-08, 14:08)primaeval Wrote:
(2018-04-08, 12:35)bluebug Wrote: hi will this program help me with my xmltv  file problem , will it work in the uk thanks
 It covers most countries in the world including the UK.
The rytec sources are probably the most reliable and fastest.hi thanks for your reply i cannot install from  repo , but i can install from source , after install i cannot change postcode to uk it keeps asking for usa postcode on the first page it says about busybox.exe do i have to install windows version as well as i am running this through kodi when i click on a provider internet explorer pops up and says <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>@namespace html url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml); :root { fontConfusedmall Verdana; font-weight: bold; padding: 2em; padding-left:4em; } * { display: block; padding-left: 2em; } html|style { display: none; } html|span, html|a { display: inline; padding: 0; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; } html|span.block { display: block; } *[html|hidden], span.block[html|hidden] { display: none; } .expand { display: block; } .expand:before { content: '+'; color: red; position: absolute; left: -1em; } .collapse { display: block; } .collapse:before { content: '-'; color: red; position: absolute; left:-1em; }<tv generator-info-name="xmltv Meld"> </tv> thanks

Yes you have to install busybox on Windows.
(2018-04-08, 15:57)bluebug Wrote:
(2018-04-08, 14:08)primaeval Wrote:
(2018-04-08, 12:35)bluebug Wrote: hi will this program help me with my xmltv  file problem , will it work in the uk thanks
 It covers most countries in the world including the UK.
The rytec sources are probably the most reliable and fastest.hi thanks for your reply i cannot install from  repo , but i can install from source , after install i cannot change postcode to uk it keeps asking for usa postcode on the first page it says about busybox.exe do i have to install windows version as well as i am running this through kodi when i click on a provider internet explorer pops up and says <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>@namespace html url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml); :root { fontConfusedmall Verdana; font-weight: bold; padding: 2em; padding-left:4em; } * { display: block; padding-left: 2em; } html|style { display: none; } html|span, html|a { display: inline; padding: 0; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; } html|span.block { display: block; } *[html|hidden], span.block[html|hidden] { display: none; } .expand { display: block; } .expand:before { content: '+'; color: red; position: absolute; left: -1em; } .collapse { display: block; } .collapse:before { content: '-'; color: red; position: absolute; left:-1em; }<tvgenerator-info-name="xmltv Meld"> </tv> thanks
 Try typing after the grey box so your reply doesn't get mixed up with the quote.
Click the "Source" button to see how the posts and quotes are laid out to be more clear.

Slow down and read the instructions carefully.

If you install it from the source it will end up in the wrong directory.
Uninstall it, reboot kodi and install it from my repo.

There is no UK postcode setting.

You have to install the version of busybox for your device and operating system.

If you are on Windows follow the link in the Quick Start.
Here is a direct link to the busybox.exe for Windows. https://frippery.org/files/busybox/busybox.exe
Put it somewhere safe and point the busybody Setting to it.

You need it because the version of python in Kodi does not come with the library to decompress xz files.

I have no idea what you have done to get it to pop up Internet Explorer.

Slow down and read the instructions carefully.
many thanks for your reply ok i have uninstalled xmltv Meld reboot kodi went to your repo to reinstall xmitv meld comes up as failed , if i install xmitv meld from source it will install i have downloaded windows version of busybody and put it in c:/programs go to xmitv meld and told it where busybody is thanks
(2018-04-08, 19:05)bluebug Wrote: many thanks for your reply ok i have uninstalled xmltv Meld reboot kodi went to your repo to reinstall xmitv meld comes up as failed , if i install xmitv meld from source it will install i have downloaded windows version of busybody and put it in c:/programs go to xmitv meld and told it where busybody is thanks
 If you install it from source it will not put the files in the correct folder and will not work.
I expect your zip file contains a top level folder ending with -master.
It needs to be just plugin.program.xmltv.meld

Go into the addons folder and manually delete any folders beginning with plugin.program.xmltv.meld
Do the same in the userdata\addon_data folder.

Sometimes you need to uninstall my repo and install it again to pick up a new version of an addon.
I think there is some Kodi caching issue going on.

Make sure the version of xmltv Meld is 0.0.3.
I found a problem with UK rytec channels in 0.0.2.
(2018-04-08, 19:05)bluebug Wrote: many thanks for your reply ok i have uninstalled xmltv Meld reboot kodi went to your repo to reinstall xmitv meld comes up as failed , if i install xmitv meld from source it will install i have downloaded windows version of busybody and put it in c:/programs go to xmitv meld and told it where busybody is thanks

Not sure what you have done, but I’ve just installed version 0.0.3 without any problems.
WOW great job. This makes joining xmltv schedules together a snip.
hi thanks for your replys i now have version Meld is 0.0.3  and told where busybody is not touched it since does this program work with webgrabplus thanks
(2018-04-09, 13:39)bluebug Wrote: hi thanks for your replys i now have version Meld is 0.0.3  and told where busybody is not touched it since does this program work with webgrabplus thanks
 It's busybox. I made a typo earlier.

xmltv Meld is an alternative to Webgrab+Plus.
It uses some freely available xmltv files, some of which were generated by other people using Webgrab, some came from satellite or cable epg information channels.

You can merge in any xmltv files you make yourself with Webgrab in the Custom section.
hi thanks for your reply i was woundering can you put in your own m3u list just finding it hard to decide what channels i have when i use webgrab or busybox thanks
(2018-04-09, 14:11)bluebug Wrote: hi thanks for your reply i was woundering can you put in your own m3u list just finding it hard to decide what channels i have when i use webgrab or busybox thanks
 You will have to do that by hand at the moment.
xmltv Meld generates a template file for you to start with:

One day if I have some spare time I'll have a look at trying to add some automation to the addon.

You should only have to do it once if your urls don't change.

If you TV Guide Fullscreen it will try to do an automated match of your channels to your xmltv file.
hi thanks for your reply my m3u list is paid for it has 500 channels but some are doubled up due to 1 link might not work so you have a spare liink , is there a way to input search option for a channel instead of going though every provider , on xmltv Meld i get a error when trying to open up uk on koditvepg ,what is the custom option for on xmltv Meld  thanks for your advice
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