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Mod Titan M O D ( last Updated 19-12-2019)
(2024-11-06, 09:01)1deep Wrote: Another issue I have which I think I traced back to metadatautils is this contentprovider thing. Comes up constantly with this skin. Started with the 21 upgrade and I've even done a fresh install and started installing my normal addons and it came back.

This error does not come from the skin or from Metadatautils.

This error message comes from the YouTube plugin.
You should take another closer look at YouTube.
You may have an incorrect setting there.
@Fuchs2468 Thank you for all your work, there isn't software out there that I have found that sorts,displays and plays my 700 odd cd collection as well as your music osd, I honestly thought Titan mod was dead, I have been battling with the inferior vanilla for like 5 months, I was soooooo F^%$n stoked to find your repo!!!! I know saying thanks doesn't begin to cut it, but it's all I got, you are awesome!!!!!
Just for information, Titan works great with a Ugoos AmB6+ player and the CoreELEC system.

Windows 10 + MariaDB base + Matrix | Kodi Build for intel Kodi-Native 3D MVC Playback (as possible)
Skin Titan Mod | Link: Color themes for Titan Mod | Link: Littles mods
For Intel Nuc : Kit Mpc-HC/BE : Config External player with 3D and Pathrought
@fuchs I any suggestion I tried to installed repository.fuchs246-1.0.2, version 21.1.3 I got an error message color picker version 2.0.3 can not be installed, how I can I  fixed issue.

@t123thomas When installing the skin, there may be problems with the latest versions of dependencies, which may cause errors. You can easily fix these errors by installing the latest versions of the dependencies required by the skin, e.g. from GitHub content.

In order to repair the color graphics in the Titan MOD skin, simply install the latest version of "Skin Helper Service Color Picker" from the ZIP file:

Then install the skin.
Update for "Titan MOD" Kodi Omega


Available under:

There is nothing new in this update, just bug fixes and a few visual adjustments.

I wish everyone happy holidays!
Thank you
Happy holidays
Windows 10 + MariaDB base + Matrix | Kodi Build for intel Kodi-Native 3D MVC Playback (as possible)
Skin Titan Mod | Link: Color themes for Titan Mod | Link: Littles mods
For Intel Nuc : Kit Mpc-HC/BE : Config External player with 3D and Pathrought
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