VirtualBox's image for compiling 17.4?
Can someone help me pls?
I need to build patched version of kodi (ZDMC with little patch that fix AFR issue i posted here).
But i have no exp in building android's apps. And i readed few topics and alot ppls that tried step-by-step guides have different problems (most strange is that binarry-addons not included to apk).
So maybe some one can share vm's image, fully prepared for building where i can do this?
i can, if you still need this)
thx m8, but not need it anymore - created myself.
But i think u still can share it somewhere and post a link - this can be rly helpful for other noobies like me
(2018-08-09, 21:09)genryrar Wrote: thx m8, but not need it anymore - created myself.
But i think u still can share it somewhere and post a link - this can be rly helpful for other noobies like me
 its big -_- i make vdi for 30GB Big Grin
Maybe you know how add addons and theme to your kodi build ?
i'm not remeber how i done that. but changing name and logo is easy - i did this for my build (fow allowing have my and another version of kodi in system). what problems do you have?

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