Hey Nonjon, great to see a separate TV menu! Silly question though, could it be to the right of TV shows? The video section kinda belongs together, in my mind. Personally, I have it where photos are and that works fine for me. How hard is it to implement a re-ordering? If non-trivial, forget I asked.
This really brings it to the point where you have to choose home menu items or horizontally scroll.
Since this is "let's see if it works" stuff, I will assume that skin options for shelf and menu will be done at a later time. It's a great already though, I have to say! What are the number on the TV logos? Mine are channel numbers, but in your screenshot, you have 1.1, where I only have a number without dot. Would it be hard to put the channel name there instead? The channel numbers do not mean much to me, and the logos aren't always clear (even if they are there).
I like the "liveTV" image for channels without channel logo.
Some other stuff, it appears that I cannot start the group manager or channel manager from Quartz. Those may be missing in the skin, if you are keen to fully implement Live TV. Whoa.. it's there now. Cool!
To some Android TV stuff. I mentioned the information page not having graphics. See
this example. The page that you jump to when you select something from within the Android TV homescreen is the information screen that you can go to with the "information" option in the context menu of a movie or tv show. There definitely is space for an image though on the page. The music album information page does have the cover there.
Lastly, I tend to switch off all fan art (against doctor's advice)
so I haven't been playing with it much. I switched it on for a while though and noticed that you can see it fine if you select something in the shelf, but not if you have a home screen background selected. I feel that the home screen background is there to have the background not be black if there is no fanart to display, so I was surprised to see the background stay the same after selecting a shelf item. Is that intentional? Again, this is not a feature I really use, just something I'm wondering about.
Will come back to you on the music stuff. I understand it's not a concern of yours, so I want something that's relatively easy to drop in for you before I bother you with it.