Help With Adding VLC As An External Player To Kodi 17.6
I'm at my wits end here and have been scouring the internet for over a week on how to's on adding vlc as an external player.But all i keep getting is kodi's default player as an the option,and have already tried pre-made playercorefactory.xml texts with no luck.I've also went to kodi's wiki externalplayer page for help but that didn't help either.So here's my xml i tried as i did modify it from that page.

   <player name="VideoLAN" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="true" video="true">
     <filename>C:\Program Files\VLC\vlc.exe</filename>
     <args>"{1}" /fullscreen /close</args>
 <rules action="prepend">
 rule filetypes="avi|ffmpeg|flv|mov|mp4|mpeg2|mpeg3|mpeg4" filename=".*720p.*|.*1080p.*" player="VLC"/>

All i want to do is launch vlc as an external player to record shows.So could someone please tell me what i'm missing here.Is there something wrong with my xml or is there additional plugins or downloads i need to be able to do this?
(2018-04-28, 13:04)lonewolfe2018 Wrote:  rule filetypes="avi|ffmpeg|flv|mov|mp4|mpeg2|mpeg3|mpeg4" filename=".*720p.*|.*1080p.*" player="VLC"/>
There is the start tag missing
Thanks but that still didn't solve my issue.
VLC is available in 32bit and 64bit flavours, and each version is installed in different folders, hence the path in your script must point to the version in use e.g.
<filename>C:\Program Files\VLC\vlc.exe</filename>
Drill down to the file executable with windows explorer and use this title bar path in the script. Ensure VLC as standalone works from that location with a selcted video. For purposes of getting this feature working, alter your playercorefactory script in rules to only use one file type:>
<rules action="prepend">
   <rule filetypes="avi" player="VLC" />
Don't just press Play/Enter to play the file with VLC. You need to press C and choose Play using... and then choose VLC. A proper debug log of this action would go a long way to ensure that player core factory is loaded and functioning.
I don't get it.Its not the c but the y that brings up the menu,but its still only the kodi default player that shows up.Oh wait.Could it be that although i'm on windows 64 operating system i'm using windows 8.1 32 system that's causing the issue?Because i had to download windows 32 version of kodi 17.6 but using vlc 64 version of windows.
Kodi is 32bit and a 64bit windows install will handle this just fine, it's the pathing that is important. (any external player can be used, including VLC 64)  That debug log (loggin must be turned on in settings) will tell us a lot, it sounds like your playcorfactory.xml isn't even loading. With a movie in focus it's the 'C'ontext menu that will allow the player choice.
Ok i turned it on and it does show my xml file loaded but still nothing.
Let's have that debug log posted to a public pastebinand that URL linked back to this thread.
Ummm, that is not a debug log. That is a screenshot of your settings screen.

---> Debug Log <--- Click this
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Ok i can view my logs but the problem is i have over 19,000.So do i only paste the parts that are giving me warnings?
Simplest way is to enable debugging, reboot your device, perform your action or whatever you need to do to recreate the issue (try playing a video via your external player in this case) and then use the log uploader add-on to upload the log to our pastebin site.

You will be supplied with a URL, which you need to provide here so we can find and access the log. Please do NOT post logs or log snippets directly to the forum.
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(2018-04-28, 13:04)lonewolfe2018 Wrote: <playercorefactory>
   <player name="VideoLAN" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="true" video="true">
     <filename>C:\Program Files\VLC\vlc.exe</filename>
     <args>"{1}" /fullscreen /close</args>
 <rules action="prepend">
<rule filetypes="avi|ffmpeg|flv|mov|mp4|mpeg2|mpeg3|mpeg4" filename=".*720p.*|.*1080p.*" player="VLC"/>
 pay attention to the parts i have marked as red.

you have named your external player "VideoLAN" but to play files it is named vlc.. this wont work as kodi does not know what player "VLC" is as its not in the list of players.
rename VideoLAN to VLC.

if you want your external player VLC to play all video content then a simple <rule video="true" player="VLC"> instead of <rule filetypes="avi|ffmpeg|flv|mov|mp4|mpeg2|mpeg3|mpeg4" filename=".*720p.*|.*1080p.*" player="VLC"/>
I'm pretty sure i found the problem in my log.It says my masterprofile playercorefactory.xml text doesn't exist.Then skips it.So now that i think i found the problem how do i make it recognize the xml?
Make sure it is located in the correct location as specified in the log. It will look in masterprofile. Go back to the top of the log and see where masterprofile is mapped to on your system. Should be within the first 20 lines of the log.

If you used notepad or similar to create the file, it may have saved it as Unicode or other format. It must be UTF-8. See image below which is Windows Notepad Save screen.

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Help With Adding VLC As An External Player To Kodi 17.60
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