Win Watched count and date
Is it possible to configure rapier to show the number of times a media item has been watched and the date is was last watched on the Thumbs Info screen?
Hi Yanta.

Sorry no, it's not possible.

It's possible to show watched/unwatched and progress indicators.
No Probs.

I suspected as much. I saw some very old posts asking the same thing and was hoping that over the years things might have changed.

oh, well, nvm
I don't want to bloat the skin.

The info labels are available, but I can't see anywhere they should go without bloating the skin.

They could perhaps fit in the movie information window, but that has very low priority.
The movie info window, where the run time and rating are is where I imagined them.
But don't stress, if adding them will bloat the skin it's not that important. It would make Kodi "more complete" but not at the expense of performance

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