Solved TVDB scrapping stopped working for me today? 05-28
I just noticed today my instance of kodi is not scraping TV shows from TVDB anymore? it was working perfect just yesterday, movies are still scraping perfectly... im guessing this has something to do with the site redo for TVDB?

Looking at the logs i'm getting Auth failures for TVDB, did they shut down the V1 api?
Yes, update your scraper addons. Also: do not post logs in the forum. Use or similar. It's only being asked in a red bold text...
Sorry about that, logs pushed to

I have since updated all the scraper addons i could find, including the TVDB (v.3.0.1) but im getting the same result?
Where is the log? You need to give us the link.

The current version is 3.0.2 so you need to update your scraper. and select Check for updates
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That did it,

For some reason when i would update the addon specifically it would only get 3.0.1, i had to refresh the repo and then 3.0.2 came in.

Problem sovled, thanks for the help!

I put the logs into paste.ubuntu...

the link was smaller size
Thread marked solved.
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TVDB scrapping stopped working for me today? 05-280