v17 Network share help
I have been using xbmc since Eden (V11) and now up to kodi 17.6

The problem I am facing is that the shares 2 shares are causing me issues on xbmc but acessible from mobiles or other pcs.
My shares are all acess to everyone with no password, 20 shares (all from same file server) and all but 2 wotk correctly.
The problem shows itseld as from library indicating that file is not available and if I go to Videos Files/Library I can see them but when I want to select them it asks for username or password (if i select other i gain acess)

Here is what I ahve tried

1: adding a password to my windows account and setting this on the kodi pop-up, does not work
2: Created another account just for this with password, does not work
3: Verified about478489787 threads on here and internet asking to check the following:
Advanced sharing ooptions (tied every setting and combo i can think of)
Activate SMB 1.0
Enable Netbios
Delete shares and reshare them
Clear out list of people this is shared with and re add them.

And still these 2 shares give me problems, the other 18 work perfectly, i am going crazy here trying to figure what it could be as if 18 work im deaming this not a windows issue, the 2 that dont work from kodi work fine from other devices hence i will assume that its not the shares themselves...

Any ideas of specific steps to test/try?

Could you clarify, as the odd mention of windows makes me wonder
a) what is the underlying OS on the server(s) holding the shares ?
b) what is the Underlying OS on the Kodi machine ?
c) have you tried unsharing the troublesome shares, and then resharing?

I note that I don't yet use Windows 10, but all earlier versions seem to need complete reboot after changes, just to ensure the proper effect is manifested.
It was Windows 10 holding the shares
Acess was from an android box (fire tv, other windows/linux machines had no issues with the shares)
Yes I had multiple times.

I have solved the problem however, installed Linux mint on the machine and now shares work perfectly... go figure...

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