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Nice, thanks for the info.
Version 2.0.2 is available:
- Updated Search and Random Play functions.  Now you can setup customized / favoritzed lists that are usable as widgets (example below)
- Bug fixes, code cleanups
- Other minor game list changes
- Added language / translation support


I don't know if it is a bug of kodi or IAGL: when the game starts and you end it with stop button on remote control, OK (enter) button does not work any more and you cannot select anything inside KODI until reboot.

(2018-08-31, 10:49)tomismrkolj Wrote: Hi,

I don't know if it is a bug of kodi or IAGL: when the game starts and you end it with stop button on remote control, OK (enter) button does not work any more and you cannot select anything inside KODI until reboot.

Yes, I've found the same issue.  It was introduced at some point when Kodi v18 went to beta, so I think it's a Kodi issue.  I've opened a github issue on it here.

First at all, thank you for this addon! Like it very much!

I think, that I've found two bugs:
1. The N64-game-list disappears after it's settings have been modified (Can not find it anymore!)
2. MS-DOS games often do not start, because DOSbox is trying to start the .iarl-file instead of the .exe-file

Tried on W10x64 using KODI17.6 using your last IAGL-addon
(2018-09-06, 14:30)mouzzza Wrote: Hi!

First at all, thank you for this addon! Like it very much!

I think, that I've found two bugs:
1. The N64-game-list disappears after it's settings have been modified (Can not find it anymore!)
2. MS-DOS games often do not start, because DOSbox is trying to start the .iarl-file instead of the .exe-file

Tried on W10x64 using KODI17.6 using your last IAGL-addon
 1.  I can't recreate that error, but it sounds like the game xml file is either being corrupted or hidden.  I'd love a debug log for that if you had it.
2.  Thanks for that report, do you have an example game?
(2018-09-06, 16:25)zachmorris Wrote: 1.  I can't recreate that error, but it sounds like the game xml file is either being corrupted or hidden.  I'd love a debug log for that if you had it.
2.  Thanks for that report, do you have an example game? 
1. It happens everytime i change the downloadpath of N64-gamelist.

Here what the xml-file looks like after that:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

Here the log. Do you need more?
20:37:17.750 T:10224  NOTICE: IAGL:  Lets Play!
20:37:36.563 T:7048  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
20:37:36.563 T:7048 WARNING: Attempt to use invalid handle -1
20:37:36.594 T:7048 WARNING: CSkinInfo: failed to load skin settings
20:37:58.086 T:2332  NOTICE: IAGL:  Lets Play!
20:37:58.732 T:2332 WARNING: Attempt to use invalid handle -1
20:38:02.247 T:9352  NOTICE: IAGL:  Lets Play!
20:38:08.644 T:3464  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
20:38:08.644 T:3464 WARNING: Attempt to use invalid handle -1
20:38:17.707 T:9896  NOTICE: IAGL:  Lets Play!
20:38:18.878 T:9896   ERROR: IAGL Error:  Unable to read file N64_ZachMorris.xml

2. I think I've several problems with my setup. At the moment i cannot even watch the MS-DOS gamelist. I'll contact you again if I can reproduce the problem.
It could be that Kodi's XML parser does not like the #. What happens if you change the name of the #Tools folder to something else?
(2018-09-06, 21:41)MrTarantula Wrote: It could be that Kodi's XML parser does not like the #. What happens if you change the name of the #Tools folder to something else?
 It does work with the other gamelists (Amiga, SNES, BestOfN64, etc.)
Tried it again, with another folder, same problem.
(2018-09-06, 22:08)mouzzza Wrote:
(2018-09-06, 21:41)MrTarantula Wrote: It could be that Kodi's XML parser does not like the #. What happens if you change the name of the #Tools folder to something else?
 It does work with the other gamelists (Amiga, SNES, BestOfN64, etc.)
Tried it again, with another folder, same problem. 
 I just tried this, and yes the addon definitely did not like the # sign in the path (the xml file is completely overwritten, you'll have to delete it  / replace it with the one here, or uninstall and reinstall the addon to get the list back).  I'll have to figure out a fix.  In the meantime I'd avoid any strange characters in the path.  Thanks for the debug log, this type of info makes it a lot easier to troubleshoot bugs like this.
is there a easy way to add custom lists eg, gamecube, ds ect, or is there any uploaded list already created,
also i cant get any external emulators to work on the retroplayer build with win 64,  eg project 64 does not work, but works outside kodi.
(2018-09-07, 02:54)kpop Wrote: is there a easy way to add custom lists eg, gamecube, ds ect, or is there any uploaded list already created

There is a way to make your own lists, see here.

(2018-09-07, 02:54)kpop Wrote: also i cant get any external emulators to work on the retroplayer build with win 64,  eg project 64 does not work, but works outside kodi.

This should work. Do you have a debug log of it not working?
Version 2.0.4 is available in the repository, changes include:
- Started Spanish translation (thanks to roliverosc)
- Updated external script support to close/pause Kodi via add-on settings (thanks edco for the report)
- Bug fix for enter not working after launching a game
- Attempted bug fix for bad characters in user set download path
- Updated support for non-retroarch external emulators
- Updated dat files
Not sure if I'm missing something but is there a way to change the rom download file location? The wiki incorrectly states it saves to a cache folder in userdata however I can see by the log its saving to the IAGL addon data folder? Ideally I'd like this to save in system folders that are compatible with Emulationstation, is this possible?
(2018-09-18, 15:50)Morphy99 Wrote: Not sure if I'm missing something but is there a way to change the rom download file location? The wiki incorrectly states it saves to a cache folder in userdata however I can see by the log its saving to the IAGL addon data folder? Ideally I'd like this to save in system folders that are compatible with Emulationstation, is this possible?
 The cache folder is in the addon data folder in the userdata folder, so it defaults to:


You can change the location on a per game list basis, see here:
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