v18 Scrapers not working on Leia Alpha 2
Good evening

Yesterday I installed the 64bit Version of Kodi 18 on Win10 and up to now it couldn't create a library because when the scrapers want to scan I get the error "Unable to connect to remote server..."

The Add-On Versions for IMDB is 2.0.5 and 5.1.1 (don't know why I have 2 of them... found 2 in your add-on section) and for TVDB it is 3.0.6. Had to update manually as the autoupdate didn't work. I installed the new Versions only in the 2nd installation.

I also made 2 second installation of Kodi cause I thaught maybe the first screwed up, but no effect. I allowed Kodi a path through the windows firewall, no effect.
The system information of Kodi says the internet connection is running, although I couldn't verify that cause I couldn't install the youtube add-on or a weather add-on (error while installing). So I don't have any more clues what to do.

The latest logfile is here.

Maybe an older 32bit version would work but as I run the 64bit version of Win10 i'd rather not.

(2018-07-05, 00:49)Mogwai72 Wrote: The Add-On Versions for IMDB is 2.0.5 and 5.1.1
You should have IMDB Scraper Library v2.9.2 and TheMovieDatabase v5.1.3 installed. Update these and it should work.

Go to Add-ons>My Add-ons. Pull out the left sideblade menu and select Check for updates
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Thank you for your quick reply, i will try this this evening. Although when i went directly to the add-ons and checked for updates i got the reply that no new version is available.

(2018-07-05, 01:16)Karellen Wrote:
(2018-07-05, 00:49)Mogwai72 Wrote: The Add-On Versions for IMDB is 2.0.5 and 5.1.1
You should have IMDB Scraper Library v2.9.2 and TheMovieDatabase v5.1.3 installed. Update these and it should work.

Go to Add-ons>My Add-ons. Pull out the left sideblade menu and select Check for updates 
 I just tried this but nothing happens except that for half a second the message "Checking for Updates: 0%" appears in the upper right corner and disappears again. Seems like a car with no engine, looks nice but you can't drive :-). Maybe i'll give it a shot with the Nightly Version.

No, updating to the nightly version will still require you to download the latest versions.

Check that you have not disabled auto-updates in the Add-on settings and in the main settings page at Settings>System Settings>Add-ons

If you still cant find the problem, then Download and install from zip...

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When I try to install this metadata.themoviedb.org-5.1.3 I get an error message brabling something about "dependency on script"... Also if I try to install the latest youtube add-on.

I think it doesn't matter where Kodi is installed, right? I put it on a separate SD-Card which is drive D:\. Or maybe it has something to do with the big Win10 Update (fall creators)?

Auto Update is on. I would like to check if Kodi really has internet connection but how if I can't install youtube or tv add-ons?

In your log, it showed you using v18. Is that the version you tried installing the zip file into because that zip is for v18.

(2018-07-06, 01:00)Mogwai72 Wrote: I think it doesn't matter where Kodi is installed, right?
It depends... Did you use Portable Mode? https://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Install_Ko...table_Mode

Can you provide another log with libcURL selected in Component Logging. Remember to enable Debug mode again. Both are in Settings>System Settings>Logging

Then restart.
Locate a movie not in your library via Videos>Files, then press the Information button to start the scan of that movie.

Upload and tell us which movie.
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No I did not use portable mode, might try this later.

Yes, the Zips were for V18 which I installed (took them from your download link).

One good news is: out of curiosity I deinstalled V18 and installed V17 32Bit and here the scraping works fine, what I actually would not have expected. Also installing add-ins works fine (like weather stuff) which also did not work in V18. Quiet strange... I just had to update the content in my sources (did not delete profile while deinstalling).

V17 was also installed on the SD-Card as drive D:\.

I guess it's not such a good idea to have two versions installed at the same time, right? So I could keep the running V17 and keep on figuring out what't the matter with V18. Could it work with different installation folders?

It is no problem having two versions installed on Windows as long as you use Portable Mode. Personally I currently have 4 versions installed on my test/office machine. As long as you use Portable Mode, they never conflict with each other. Your v17.6 can be a standard install, but each subsequent install must be Portable Mode.

I am seeing some cURL errors but I am not sure if it is due to a general problem or because of the incorrect scraper versions, which is why I asked for another log. Also when creating that log, try installing an add-on in addition to scraping the movie.

Can you also update to the latest nightly.
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I installed the latest nightly version (from July 6th) as portable version.

The errors still occur. I tried to identify the movie "28 Days later" manually and after that I tried to install the youtube add-on from zipfile.

I also wanted to try to setup the weather add-on, but when I click on "Get more" it's all empty, there is no add-on to choose from where there should be about five.

Here is the latest logfile: LINK

Thanks a lot for your help.


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