2018-08-15, 11:13
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(2020-12-31, 23:08)emjaybee Wrote: Hi Matt (and/or other clever folks!),
2020-12-31 20:13:37.174 T:4091959760 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.
(2021-01-01, 01:17)matthuisman Wrote: I suspect your not in South Africa and using a vpn. And vpn manager is playing up
(2021-01-01, 01:27)Klojum Wrote:(2020-12-31, 23:08)emjaybee Wrote:FYI, as you already posted the link for the full log file, there is no need to also paste log snippets into the forum. We prefer a tidy ship here.
2020-12-31 20:13:37.174 T:4091959760 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.
Also, enable debugging and restart Kodi before you start to reproduce any error(s) in Kodi. It will get you a more detailed log file.
(2018-08-15, 11:13)matthuisman Wrote: