2018-09-17, 14:11
@Karellen Sorry, i have overlooked kodi.tv has its own .xml section, please move, sry
Forgive my spelling, I'm not a native english speaker.
I help in the forum where I can, and I really do not like to open threads. But I'm completely on here. Please can someone help me on the jumps.
I'm a little bit familiar with .xml, but I can not get any further here.
Please take a look at the video, then you understand my problem:
The last displayed MultiImage remains in the cache and will be displayed everywhere. It does not disappear again. Only when I scroll to other entries again.
What i want to reach:
If no characterart - show no characterart
If characterart, the usual normal ListItem.Art(characterart) - show characterart
If a folder characterart there and the folder have arts in there - show all characterart there as an multiimage, and ignore the normal characterart.
Attention: I have tried dozens of variations, this is just one of them.
I also tried different ListItem.Path spelling,
also tried !StringIsEmpty instead of !IsEmpty
also tried IsEmpry[ListItem.Path,,characterart/] instead !IsEmpty(Control.GetLabel(83241))
...and all of it with different spelling and brackets.
It always came up with the same result:
The last multiimage remains in the cache and gets stuck in the view.
Many thanks for your help
Forgive my spelling, I'm not a native english speaker.
I help in the forum where I can, and I really do not like to open threads. But I'm completely on here. Please can someone help me on the jumps.
I'm a little bit familiar with .xml, but I can not get any further here.
Please take a look at the video, then you understand my problem:
The last displayed MultiImage remains in the cache and will be displayed everywhere. It does not disappear again. Only when I scroll to other entries again.
What i want to reach:
If no characterart - show no characterart
If characterart, the usual normal ListItem.Art(characterart) - show characterart
If a folder characterart there and the folder have arts in there - show all characterart there as an multiimage, and ignore the normal characterart.
Attention: I have tried dozens of variations, this is just one of them.
<control type="image">
<aspectratio aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
<animation effect="slide" end="0,159" time="160" condition="Control.IsVisible(69193)">Conditional</animation>
<texture background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Art(characterart)]</texture>
<visible>!String.IsEmpty(ListItem.Art(characterart)) + IsEmpty(Control.GetLabel(83241))</visible>
<control type="multiimage" id="83241">
<aspectratio aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
<animation effect="slide" end="0,159" time="160" condition="Control.IsVisible(69193)">Conditional</animation>
<imagepath background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Path,,characterart/]</imagepath>
I also tried different ListItem.Path spelling,
also tried !StringIsEmpty instead of !IsEmpty
also tried IsEmpry[ListItem.Path,,characterart/] instead !IsEmpty(Control.GetLabel(83241))
...and all of it with different spelling and brackets.
It always came up with the same result:
The last multiimage remains in the cache and gets stuck in the view.
Many thanks for your help