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Solved tricky .xml problem with multiimage/folderpath/visible
@Karellen  Sorry, i have overlooked has its own .xml section, please move, sry

Forgive my spelling, I'm not a native english speaker.

I help in the forum where I can, and I really do not like to open threads. But I'm completely on here. Please can someone help me on the jumps.
I'm a little bit familiar with .xml, but I can not get any further here. 

Please take a look at the video, then you understand my problem:

The last displayed MultiImage remains in the cache and will be displayed everywhere. It does not disappear again. Only when I scroll to other entries again.

What i want to reach:
If no characterart - show no characterart
If characterart, the usual normal ListItem.Art(characterart) - show characterart
If a folder characterart there and the folder have arts in there - show all characterart there as an multiimage, and ignore the normal characterart.

Attention: I have tried dozens of variations, this is just one of them.

    <control type="image">
    <aspectratio aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
    <animation effect="slide" end="0,159" time="160" condition="Control.IsVisible(69193)">Conditional</animation>
    <texture background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Art(characterart)]</texture>
    <visible>!String.IsEmpty(ListItem.Art(characterart)) + IsEmpty(Control.GetLabel(83241))</visible>

    <control type="multiimage" id="83241">
    <aspectratio aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
    <animation effect="slide" end="0,159" time="160" condition="Control.IsVisible(69193)">Conditional</animation>
    <imagepath background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Path,,characterart/]</imagepath>        

I also tried different ListItem.Path spelling,
also tried !StringIsEmpty instead of !IsEmpty
also tried IsEmpry[ListItem.Path,,characterart/] instead !IsEmpty(Control.GetLabel(83241))
...and all of it with different spelling and brackets.

It always came up with the same result:
The last multiimage remains in the cache and gets stuck in the view.

Many thanks for your help Smile
Hello @chrissix

No problems with understanding your English.

This is not something I will be able to assist with. It looks like you are using one of the Aeon MQ variants, so I suggest the best person to ask is @latts9923

I can move your thread into the appropriate skin forum if you let me know which variant of the skin you are using.
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(2018-09-17, 22:39)Karellen Wrote: I can move your thread into the appropriate skin forum if you let me know which variant of the skin you are using.

You are the boss.
It's more of a common .xml problem. I made the code myself and is independent of a prefabricated skin function.
If I use the code in my skin or the standard skin does not matter at all. In general, it is more about the used commands/spelling/functionality of the skin code functions.

No matter where the thread ends up, maybe someday it will be in the eyes of an .xml expert. Thanks
If that is the case, best to move it to Skinning Development. A better chance for all the skinners to see.
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Workaround was to copy/paste in every movie folder the folder "characterart" with an invisible .png file in it.
I know, a really dirty workaround.

Saw in the skin .xml's a solution is possible, but the skin coders using really complicated workaround, a weird combination with SkinStrings, StringCompare and ControlGetLabel. (mainly for extrafanarts)
I am really no .xml beginner, but it is still very hard to understand these codes, unless to adapt them for my purposes.

Probably my personal coding skill is not progressed so far to realize it in a clean way (yet!)
Friendly help requests from professional/skilled coders (even against offering a donation) met (unfortunately also sometimes unfriendly) deaf ears.
You can mark the thread as solved. If anyone reads this and has an idea, he is very welcome to send me a PM.

Great Thanks!
Thread marked solved.
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I don't use extrafanart folders anymore but when I did I used this method...


<control type="multiimage" id="3288">
<imagepath background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Path,,/extrafanart/]</imagepath>

<control type="image">
<texture background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Art(fanart)]</texture>

...I don't know if it works anymore, but maybe you can adapt it to your needs.
If I have helped you or increased your knowledge, please click the 'thumbs up' button to give thanks :)
Hello, thank you @manfeed  for your post.
But I noticed that your code, my and the variations of it actually does not differ.

I'll try it again anyway.
great thx

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tricky .xml problem with multiimage/folderpath/visible0
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