2019-01-09, 20:43
Sony think we're a "Kernel Object, Don't Install"...
(2019-01-10, 04:47)Topken Wrote: Check the last message on page 8 of this threadA-ha. Great, thanks.
(2019-01-09, 20:19)fritsch Wrote: After the new Sony statement that the "ko" in kodi would make their "Classificator" think that this is a kernel object.I'm at work, I build another sample apk with package id "org.rabi.kohl" .
Here is a final test: https://jenkins.kodi.tv/view/Automation/...hoice/195/ <- this one changes PACKAGE_ID to org.rabi.kohl <- which is german for something I don't like to eat :-) (kohlrabi) - so if that one also does not install, their point is proven.
At the end this would mean: Yes, they blocked us and many more "by accident" :-)
Build results here: http://mirrors.kodi.tv/test-builds/android/
@chrisyu if you are faster, you can also test this with your "small" apk
(2019-01-10, 11:04)Minty95 Wrote: quick update to my post4K video plays as 4K if the TV or monitor supports it. The playback itself has nothing to do with the Kodi surface resolution, which in most cases will be 1920x1080 (if you don't change it manually).
Found the answer here