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Just press the OK button - there's no auto play after a set amount of time.
Then I would like to suggest this as an improvement. That would be like Netflix. The credits begin and after 10 seconds the next episode starts automatically.
There is no active development happening at the moment, only bug fixes.

You can try https://github.com/MoojMidge/service.upnext - it is an unofficial personal fork which has the functionality you are after.
@MoojMidge I noticed playlist support which is very helpful.  Is it possible to make that an option for video playlists only?  It's popping up at the end of every song now within music playlists which I find unneeded, but very helpful to me for movie playlists such as my one for MCU movies.

Kodi v22 nightly master (arm64), nVidia Shield Pro 2019 SE 9.1.1+Hotfix (Android 11), Samsung Q8FN, Synology DS1821+ DSM 7.2.2-72803
(2024-08-19, 15:03)AngryBird Wrote: Is it possible to make that an option for video playlists only?

Unfortunately not. Kodi has an unfortunate tendency to mix audio and video in different types of playlists, so you can't rely on the type of playlist being used for something like this.

It could be done based on the type of media that is being played. Enable debug logging in the addon:
UpNext > Settings > Expert > Troubleshooting > Log level => Debug
Then post a log for when you start some music in a playlist, and when the popup subsequently appears, and I can have a look.
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