the weather network
is there any way of using canada: the weather network instead of yahoo as its never correct?

I use Openweathermap Extended from the standard Kodi repo. Better than The Weather Network in my experience. Way better than Yahoo which seems to rely on chimps throwing darts.

You do need to get an API key from their website.

Environment Canada is still the best but no integration with Kodi unfortunately.
Do you know if  there a reason for not having Environment Canada as an option?
Or is it just nobody has done the coding to get data from Environment Canada?
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(2018-11-29, 17:58)cdu13a Wrote: nobody has done the coding to get data from Environment Canada?
That's it, feel free to put some effort into it.

I find the Weatherbit io pretty close to the mark (telling me 12C and is saying 13C for my Locale ) and the maps are a nice touch; you also need the API key from their website.

edit: I see there is a new WeatherCAN app for Android & IOs devices

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