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[RELEASE] Ninja Video Plugin
Hi, this is fresh off the press.

I got kicked fairly early in the episode, using dvdplayer.

The Ninja strikes again

I tried a scond time and watched vq, when it reached 0%, I got kicked again.

Anything I can do to help you debug, just let me know.

Oops, sorry, had turned debug logging off last night. Hang on.
After watching some eps of a different series, which all played flawlessly, I became aware of something about the one that kept giving me the boot earlier.
Every time the show would get to a specific part, the intro credits, the buffer would run down. Which seems kind of weird, if all the files are hosted on the same system.
If they are not, however, that would be a different story.

uwer Wrote:After watching some eps of a different series, which all played flawlessly, I became aware of something about the one that kept giving me the boot earlier.
Every time the show would get to a specific part, the intro credits, the buffer would run down. Which seems kind of weird, if all the files are hosted on the same system.
If they are not, however, that would be a different story.


They are not hosted on the same system. The veoh movies are seperated into parts of 256*1024 bytes which all reside on different systems (even if they all come from the same IP - they are most probably hosted on different machines) Veohproxy internally combines them to one file which is offered to the user via a web server interface.
What veohproxy does when a user requests a veoh or ninja file is send a request to the veoh servers which gives back the video metadata (filename , size etc.) and another request for the list of part files. Then it downloads all part files and passes them on the client. It always downloads one part file (256*1024 bytes) and after a successful download outputs them to the user. So if your connection is somewhat slow, one part can take some time to download. During this time, XBMC receives no data from the connection. Especially if the downloads of one part fails multiple times, this can be a long period of time. If XBMC doesn't receive data for a while, it might close the connection.
So that's the most likely reason for the suddenly ending of a movie..?
If so... Is there a way to make XBMC a bit more patient?

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Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems
Bram77 Wrote:So that's the most likely reason for the suddenly ending of a movie..?
If so... Is there a way to make XBMC a bit more patient?

I dont' exactly know. In the submitted logs, XBMC complains more about an error in the stream - which currently is not detected. I can't really imagine that veoh would send faulty data. Normally these transmission errors should be covered by the TCP protocol and shouldn't occur (Correct me if I'm wrong). I don't know if there's a good way to check if something downloaded right. The files all seem to have hashes. If these hashes are calculated in a standard way (MD5,...), I could detect these errors and re-download if necessary. I will look into that.
I dont' know if there's a good way to set the timeout for tcp connections for the players.
Sorry, it's all very hard to debug because it doesn't happen for me. I really never had any disconnect from a veoh video.
Yup error checking and correction is done by TCP... SYN, ACK.
I get the connection to drop. I don't know how to turn on or get my error logs, but I'd be happy to do so.

I don't know if this is part of the problem, but currently my xbox gets internet from my Powerbook with internet sharing that gets it's internet through wifi. I ordered a Wireless Video Game Adapter and it will be coming in the mail. This way I can directly connect to my router. I will see if I keep getting the drops when I use the new Wireless Video Game Adapter.

I do sometimes get through full 22 minute episodes. Sometimes I don't. We'll see.
Well, I'm dumb. I didn't notice the mplyaer.dll upgrade. I went and upgraded to the t3CH release that came out 6/1/08 and everything seems to be going quite smoothly.
Well I have been out of the scene for a while, and I come back to all the great plugins. Things have come a long way since I installed Unbehagen's first plugin. Well I seem to be having the same issues with the streams stopping early as many here have stated. I have 2 xbox's both running the newest build. T3CH XBMC 2008-06-01 SVN rev13360, both box's just stop randomly. No exact time sometimes 10 mins, and even as long as 45 mins in. I have changed the cache, I have cleared the cache I have even reinstalled the builds and I am at a loss as what to do.

Any suggestions to get this plugin working properly will be great.
I'm still experiencing random stopping of strem playback, for now it seems here to stay.
As a workaround to alleviate the problem I have discovered that jumping to a specific time in the stream does work. By pressing up or down on the remote I can jump 10 minutes back and forth. So getting back to the point where I got kicked is relatively quick and I don't have to watch from beginning, hoping that the stream will work the second time.

In older builds of XBMC one could enter a timecode with the number buttons on the remote in order to jump to a certain point.
Does anyone know if this is still possible somehow?

HTH, uwer
Use DVDPlayer instead of Mplayer. I get drops with Mplayer, but none at all with DVD player. Also make sure you're running Veohplayer before hand.
How do I start using DVD player?

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Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems
Bram77 Wrote:How do I start using DVD player?

Select the file you want with the White button and select "Play Using..." and then choose DVDPlayer.
1800collect Wrote:Use DVDPlayer instead of Mplayer. I get drops with Mplayer, but none at all with DVD player. Also make sure you're running Veohplayer before hand.

I still get random stops using DVD player, and sometimes even my box freezes. Actually the streams have ran pretty good today. Knock on wood..Wink
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