dateadded default behavior
While I was creating some nfo files for my custom Xmas TV Show, I recognized that my exported nfo files mostly had wrong dates in the dateadded section. I searched on the wiki and found in the advanced settings article, that the default behavior is to add the files modified or created time. This hit me, because it explained so much of strange behaviour (recently added stuff not showing, Trakt giving me false timestamps about when $Stuff was added and so on) i had.
Now I am curious, why is that?
Semantically speaking, it doesn't make any sense, because one would expect if something is added to the library, it will use the actual time it was added. And since there is an Option in advanced settings, it is already there. 
So, if there isn't a particular reason for that default behavior, may i suggest making the Date a file was added to the library the actual dateadded entry? (For now I changed that in advanced settings, but still, I think it is very confusing)
The reason I use the default filedate/time (I used to use the time of adding), is because sometimes I re-scrape TV episodes, usually because the episode plot description or other meta-info wasn't available when I had originally added the episode. Doing so with the time-of-adding setting would then cause it to go to the top of my Recently Added list, although I didn't re-add it, just updated meta-info. In this particular situation, that wasn't the behavior I had desired. If I acquire a newer / better version of a movie / episode (say, BluRay vs broadcast), the filedate will be newer, and in my head I do want the newer "upgraded" version to be part of the recently-added list.

I do see (and agree) with your point that date-added ought to be the date it was added to the library, but for me, the catch is that a refresh of the same exact file also triggers an update of the date-added.
That's a good point I didn't think off. But now that you mentioned it, I was always hoping kodi would add some kind of refresh feature to the database, so only stuff that scrapers should change, like ratings, plots etc would be changed, but leave things like dateadded, the chosen fanart and such alone. If i could just code better... ;-)

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dateadded default behavior0