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[New Feature] Movie version
Hi @Karellen, thanks for the comment. If we want to get this from file name, we need have a strict naming convention, which is not easyfor many users, IMHO.

Ideally, if we can force the movie naming in the following format, the versioning can be done automatically, though I personally do this for all my movies, I can imagine a lot of people don't do this:


For example:

There is also localization issue for the version names. I'm still thinking on this.
Cool! Nice to be able to have alternative versions of the same movie or TV-shows episode for specials as such, and good too to be able to have multiple resolutions until Kodi gains transcoding features.
  • LD  (Low Definition = refers to image resolution width equal to or lower than 479 in pixel resolution in image width)
  • SD  (Standard Definition = refers to 480 to 576 in pixel resolution in image width, also known as 480i, 480p, 576i, or 576p)
  • HD  (High Definition = refers to the image resolution of 720 in pixel resolution in image width, also known as 720p or "HD Ready")
  • Full HD  (Full High Definition = refers to the image resolution of 1080 in pixel resolution in image width, also generally known as 1080p but can also be 1080i)
  • Ultra HD  (Ultra High Definition = refers to the image resolution of 3840 in pixel resolution in image width, also known as 4K for whatever unlogical reason)

This other somewhat similar request for movie/show "extras" which can also be related:

The concept of alternative versions of the same movie/episode has been a very popular request, and FYI, here are a few feature request threads with related suggestions and ideas for reference:

PS: Off-topic, but would it maybe be a good idea to once "done and merged" copy this feature to the music library as well so that we could do the same for songs?
Hi @RockerC, thanks for the comments. I read the threads you mentioned. There are a lot of things to do. Shipping the movie version support is my current goal, but TVShow episode support is in mind when designing this feature. Never thought about the support for music though, don't know how music version is used by people. I do know in album, there may be some different mix for a song, but usually they will be scanned correctly.
Updated post for new feature of manage movie version at scanning time automatically.
That was quick. I'll test when a new build becomes available.

I had mocked this up yesterday as an idea of how to implement in GUI, but your way at the initial scan is better. Smile

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This sounds like a great feature to be added, wonder if normal 'extras' like video commentary, bio, and making of somehow works it's way into this. (naming convention perhaps)
(2018-12-08, 04:30)PatK Wrote: This sounds like a great feature to be added, wonder if normal 'extras' like video commentary, bio, and making of somehow works it's way into this. (naming convention perhaps)
 This currently only works for videos in library, so extras is not supported. But I think I can add support for it if many people want that feature. My current goal is supporting movie version and next goal is supporting episode version.

I was looking for this in the latest nightly, only to realise this feature is for v19 release.

Wondering if you had any thoughts on integrating this with the Export function.

When a user performs an export for a backup or to transfer the library, it would be great if the NFO Files hold the information to rebuild the versioning, rather than requiring the user to run through the process again.
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Thanks for this feedback. I'll add this.
This is a terrific feature to heard about.  It has long been one of the weaknesses for kodi in my opinion.

I would also support being a popup that appears everytime you watch a movie with multiple versions from the beginning.  If you resume said movie the popup shouldn't appear.
I too would be very interested in this feature.
I would be very interested to find what tag to use on an nfo so that users who have local nfo and artwork can just scan the movies with the extended tag set so there's no pop-up while scanning the library.
Keep up the good work.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
And I just had a thought, is there going to be a way to disable this feature so that users who want to see duplicates ie Deadpool2 and also Deadpool2 super duper cut can be shown separately
Some users who use media managers have these as different entries with different plots and ratings etc.
With the example above it would mean libraries can be updated and where users have different profile 4 adults and 4 children please movies would still scan in as individual movies
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
(2019-03-09, 00:40)vbat99 Wrote: Deadpool2 and also Deadpool2 super duper cut can be shown separately
Some users who use media managers have these as different entries with different plots and ratings etc.

"Deadpool 2" and "Once Upon a Deadpool" (christmas version) is the perfect example! Different title, length, cast, mpaa, release date, but same ID
All of the versions with PR14972 seem to be missing from the links at the top of the message.  Where can the install files be found please?

This is a feature I've wanted ever since I added my first 3D movie and later my first 4K rip!  

Thanks much for doing this!  Blush
@menkalos The files no longer exist as they were Test Builds that live for only a few days.

@XODIDOX I'll edit your first post to strikeout the links to prevent further confusion.
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[New Feature] Movie version1
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