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[New Feature] Movie version
Honestly, as with every open source project, we cannot guarantee anything. Currently nobody is working on improvements of this feature. This situation could last forever or change soon. Nobody knows.
Hehe, OK, I understand. Thanks everyone for dealing with my ramblings.
As Team members often say, PR's are welcome from anyone.
(2024-04-09, 23:20)vonson Wrote:  - Movies that are assigned as versions to another movie now again will in folder view be displayed as folders that are not added to the library. When manually browsing files this might tempt to add such a movie folder to the library. This might be due to the design of the feature but it still seems strange to me.
Can you explain a bit more?

(2024-04-09, 23:20)vonson Wrote:  - Opening the version selection dialog is significantly slow.
Yes I noticed the same with remote db. Submitted a fix for review.

As you noticed, the only things that can be set at the version level is a name and the artwork. Everything else is shared between the movie and all versions.
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(2024-04-12, 18:16)CrystalP Wrote:
(2024-04-09, 23:20)vonson Wrote:  - Movies that are assigned as versions to another movie now again will in folder view be displayed as folders that are not added to the library. When manually browsing files this might tempt to add such a movie folder to the library. This might be due to the design of the feature but it still seems strange to me.
Can you explain a bit more?

Well, I'm a little OCD here. When adding new movies to Kodi, instead of auto-scanning the source folder for new content, I usually browse it manually and 'add-to-library' the new titles, which are fairly obvious as they show up with a folder icon, while titles that are already added to the library show just a little square dot.
Now I cannot rely on a folder icon any more. BTW - what happens if I scan a movie file that is already added as a version? I guess I have to check that...

It's obviously a consequence of the design of the feature. As Karellen pointed out - the child versions are no longer in the database, so obviously when brosing the folders they show up as unscanned. Just something I will have to deal with.
CrystalP Wrote:- Opening the version selection dialog is significantly slow.

Yes I noticed the same with remote db. Submitted a fix for review.

Yes, I use a remote db. Thanks for looking into that.

Sorry, I somewhat lost the quotation formatting...
(2024-04-09, 23:20)vonson Wrote: Now I cannot rely on a folder icon any more. BTW - what happens if I scan a movie file that is already added as a version? I guess I have to check that...
That's where I was going.
Maybe there is also a not too complicated way to still show the files as being in the library.
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I'm not into the technical details, but i guess that would mean changing the whole system over, probably to something similar to the movie-set approach. Since ksooo said nobody is currently working on that feature I don't think this will be happening (at least any time soon...).
(2024-04-13, 15:59)vonson Wrote: I'm not into the technical details, but i guess that would mean changing the whole system over, probably to something similar to the movie-set approach. Since ksooo said nobody is currently working on that feature I don't think this will be happening (at least any time soon...).

I think your critique is worthwhile.  I was thinking this feature would be good extended to music video, but require unique "plot" field retained -- just listing an MV as "live" version doesn't work for me.

scott s.
(2024-04-09, 23:20)vonson Wrote: Now I cannot rely on a folder icon any more. BTW - what happens if I scan a movie file that is already added as a version? I guess I have to check that...

It works fine (as you probably noticed if you tried) but there is a very small impact on the library scan after turning a movie into a version.
I created a fix that refactors the code a bit at the same time (https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/25022).
v22 only, I doubt anyone will ever notice the speed difference (unless MANY movies were converted at once).

(2024-04-09, 23:20)vonson Wrote: It's obviously a consequence of the design of the feature. As Karellen pointed out - the child versions are no longer in the database, so obviously when brosing the folders they show up as unscanned. Just something I will have to deal with.

Yes it could be complicated, but maybe not. The versions are still in the database, in a different form.
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(2024-04-09, 23:20)vonson Wrote: When adding new movies to Kodi, instead of auto-scanning the source folder for new content, I usually browse it manually and 'add-to-library' the new titles, which are fairly obvious as they show up with a folder icon, while titles that are already added to the library show just a little square dot.

Tried to make this happen and it just wouldn't. The folder of a movie added to library then turned into a version still has the square dot + proper artwork for me. No folder icons.
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That's not the way it behaves here. Titles added as versions get the folder icon, not the dot.
Something else: Removing a movie from the library which has versions associated to it seems not to clean the associated versions. The 'main' movie itself could be scanned again into library, but the versions were not available in the libray any more AND could not be scanned into library. I had to rename the folders, clean the database, rename the folders back, and then could rescan and finally re-associate them as versions.
And, as I said before, updating movie info results in losing all associated versions in the same way, they are not available any more, and I had to go through the process just described (rename etc.)
BTW, since v21 I have a more pressing issue unrelated to the movie versions: most movies won't play any more at all, they start, run 5-10 sec and then just stop. I have posted this in the 'Kodi v21 "Omega" Stable Release - Issues Discussions ' thread, and I'd prefer this issue to be fixed a lot more urgently than the version thing...
(2024-04-13, 14:24)vonson Wrote: When adding new movies to Kodi, instead of auto-scanning the source folder for new content, I usually browse it manually and 'add-to-library' the new titles, which are fairly obvious as they show up with a folder icon, while titles that are already added to the library show just a little square dot.
Now I cannot rely on a folder icon any more.
You can sort by date to make adding new movies even easier as they'll always be at the front of the list.

(2024-04-21, 02:55)vonson Wrote: Removing a movie from the library which has versions associated to it seems not to clean the associated versions. The 'main' movie itself could be scanned again into library, but the versions were not available in the libray any more AND could not be scanned into library. I had to rename the folders, clean the database, rename the folders back, and then could rescan and finally re-associate them as versions.
Currently to 'clean' a version you should first remove all the non-standard versions using the video manager, and then remove the standard version from the library.

(2024-04-21, 03:00)vonson Wrote: BTW, since v21 I have a more pressing issue unrelated to the movie versions: most movies won't play any more at all, they start, run 5-10 sec and then just stop. I have posted this in the 'Kodi v21 "Omega" Stable Release - Issues Discussions ' thread, and I'd prefer this issue to be fixed a lot more urgently than the version thing...
Please report this on GitHub.
Different threads for different subjects. That "Kodi v21 "Omega" Stable Release - Issues Discussions " thread is a good example of what not to do, with many different problems reported in the same place.
Create your own with an appropriate title and include a debug log.

About the versions, I tried adding a movie as a version of another and then removing the parent movie from the library. An "Update Library" brings back both movies into the library.
But I found another way to trigger what you mentioned. It's about the hash stored in the db by the library scanner. Good catch.
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[New Feature] Movie version1
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