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[New Feature] Movie version
(2024-04-21, 02:55)vonson Wrote: Removing a movie from the library which has versions associated to it seems not to clean the associated versions. The 'main' movie itself could be scanned again into library, but the versions were not available in the libray any more AND could not be scanned into library. I had to rename the folders, clean the database, rename the folders back, and then could rescan and finally re-associate them as versions.
(2024-04-21, 10:35)Hitcher Wrote: Currently to 'clean' a version you should first remove all the non-standard versions using the video manager, and then remove the standard version from the library.

Removing a movie removes the child versions but there are a few corner cases when library refreshes are added to the mix, and going the long way as you suggested is a workaround at best (didn't test, it likely doesn't avoid problems entirely).
I'll work on a proper fix.
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Might there be a difference in behaviour on different platforms?

And regarding my playback issue - should I report it on GitHub (which I have never done before...) or start a new thread here in the forum?
This is shared code that should behave the same on all platforms. But sometimes platform differences creep in in unexpected ways.

Report the playback issue in the forum first.
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I did two days ago. No replys so far.
Speaking of the new Extras feature, is there currently a way set a poster image and metadata to an extra? I've tried adding an nfo file and poster image in the same way movies use them in the library... but they are ignored and only a screen grab of the video is shown as a thumbnail. If I go to add Poster art in the Manager, Kodi force-closes. I've also noticed that symbols in an extra's filename are ignored, and have to be manually renamed in the Extras Manager. Maybe this stuff is already planned for future updates to make the Extras feature more fleshed out... and this is just the initial base feature implementation?
(2024-05-04, 14:40)Cory1980 Wrote: If I go to add Poster art in the Manager, Kodi force-closes.
This shouldn't happen - can you post a debug log please.

You didn't enable debugging.

The instructions are here... debug log (wiki)

If you are using the Basic Method, then ensure the following is applied...
1.Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging,
2.Restart Kodi
3.Replicate the problem.
4.Upload the log to Kodi Paste Site manually or use the Kodi Logfile Uploader. (wiki) With either method post the link to the log back here.

If you are using the Advanced Method ensure you have correctly created and applied the advancedsettings.xml file (wiki)

In both instances, you should see the word DEBUG throughout the log.

Note: Full logs only. No partial or redacted logs
Do NOT post your logs directly into the forum. Use the Kodi Paste Site. Post the link to your pasted log in the forum
Sorry about that, this is my first debug log submission, this should be what you're needing...

I'm not seeing the video manager dialog even opening ------ Window Init (DialogVideoManager.xml) ------ in the debug log.
It's happening in the new Extras Manager... when I go to Choose Art > Poster. That's when it force closes.
Sorry, typo. We should be seeing ------ Window Init (DialogVideoManager.xml) ------ in the debug log when it gets opened.
Strange, I definitely opened up the Extras Manager window in debug mode when it force closed, it does it every time. Maybe someone else can attempt to change the Poster artwork for an extra in the new extras feature.
(2024-05-05, 11:04)Cory1980 Wrote: Strange, I definitely opened up the Extras Manager window in debug mode when it force closed, it does it every time.
Did you upload the correct log?

(2024-05-05, 11:04)Cory1980 Wrote: Maybe someone else can attempt to change the Poster artwork for an extra in the new extras feature.
I do it myself without any problems.
I'm doing this on an NVIDIA Shield TV Pro Android version of Kodi... I got the log file from my temp folder. I copied the log from the "kodi.log", there's also a "kodi.old.log" file too. I assumed kodi.log was the correct one and is 3x times the file size as the old log file.
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[New Feature] Movie version1
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