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[New Feature] Movie version
FYI artwork of extras is scanned in v22.
Video_extras (wiki)
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(2024-12-05, 17:15)izprtxqkft Wrote:
(2024-12-05, 08:58)olevelo Wrote: Is it possible to use these features with Jellyfin (in Add-on mode)?

if you want any answers regarding jellyfin ask on their forum https://forum.jellyfin.org/
if this works it would be a result of effort of the jellyfin for kodi addon developer's part, not on kodi's part

i have jellyfin but i have intentionally kept my version back predating this feature because it broke because of this feature but that was back in January so not even i could give an answer

I raised this question early on that most Kodi sharing solutions already had a Movie Version type of feature and so it would be interesting on a case-by-case basis on whether the authors of the various sharing solution addons could or would retrofit their addons to support this feature.  I suspect not or in a limited fashion over a period of time since the Movie Version features, configuration and similar are so Kodi specific.   


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
Hello CrystalP,
portable, hmmm, forgot about that... good idea.

Quote:Behavior with .nomedia was incomplete in v21 (though not absent) and improved in v22.
So which is the intended behavior?
Same as .nomedia elsewhere, media files in the same directory are ignored and a library scan doesn't go into sub directories.
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(2024-12-07, 22:30)CrystalP Wrote: Same as .nomedia elsewhere, media files in the same directory are ignored and a library scan doesn't go into sub directories.

OK, so what I get is that presence of a .nomedia file is an absolute signifier and will prohibit any scanning of media files within that directory (and subdirectories), also for the extras scan (which does not scan into the regular library).
Though having 'extras' excluded in advancedsettings.xml I had placed .nomedia in my 'Extras' folders, just to be sure. I understand now this is not necessary. Thanks.
When you have a movie with multi version the progress list show only the version movie in progess if it was "set to default version".

To be clear if you have a movie with 2 version : 
 - version 1 (set to default)
 - version 2

scenario 1 : 
1 - launch the movie "version 1" (set to default)
2 - stop movie before the end
3 - you see this movie in progress list movies


scenario 2 : 
1 - launch the movie "version 2"
2 - stop movie before the end
3 - this movie is not in progress list movies

4 - "set to default" the movie "version 2"


5 - restart Kodi
6 - you see this movie in progress list movies

I don't know if it is ? :
1 - a know issue
2 - a know limitation in how "movie version" is handled
3 - a unknow issue ?

So before open an issue I prefer make a post here to be sure it is an issue.

Thanks for any answers

PS :
tested with a clean kodi install without any specific settings
Kodi version : Kodi (22.0-ALPHA1 (21.90.700) Git:20250102-dad09250db)
OS : Windows 11 Pro x64
Thanks for the report, it's an oversight as far as I know and the same thing likely happens in the other lists of the home page.
Though I'm not sure what should happen if there are multiple versions of the same movie in progress. Show the movie once per in-progress version with direct playback or show the movie only once, followed by the version chooser.
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Personally I would have expected the Default version is the only version a status is reported against, if you want them treated separately then don't have them as versions.
(2025-01-05, 19:07)CrystalP Wrote: Though I'm not sure what should happen if there are multiple versions of the same movie in progress.
Show the movie once per in-progress version with direct playback or show the movie only once, followed by the version chooser.

Personally I prefer "Show the movie once per in-progress version with direct playback".
(2025-01-05, 19:30)jjd-uk Wrote: Personally I would have expected the Default version is the only version a status is reported against, if you want them treated separately then don't have them as versions.

Thanks for your advice.

If you enable "show videos with multiple versions as folder" you can already views status for each version : 


Personnaly from my point of user view "movie version" is a distingusih feature from status playlists feature.

I mean, if you have a movie version in progress that differs from the current default version, you'd expect to see that movie or the "movie version" item in the “progress movie list” to resume this movie version easily.
I see no reason to show only the default movie in playlists “status movie list” (watched, in progress).

From the dev point view I guess it is not so simple...
All this is just a modest feedback for future improvement or reflection.
(2024-04-09, 23:20)vonson Wrote:  - Movies that are assigned as versions to another movie now again will in folder view be displayed as folders that are not added to the library. When manually browsing files this might tempt to add such a movie folder to the library. This might be due to the design of the feature but it still seems strange to me.

Took a while but with a better understanding of the code since your original message I know what's causing this and am able to reproduce it. It's not a trivial fix though.
It is because of the design indeed. Some information like base path and parent path (c22 and c23 columns) should be kept at version level instead of movie level, because it's possible to store the different versions of a movie in different folders and they require different path values.
There are some impacts on library scanning / cleaning as well.
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Hey, nice to hear from you again. Yeah, I more or less expected this. For now I have settled with the way things are.

I still have a wishlist though:

 - make it nfo-based. have version assignments defined in nfo-files so they can be recreated in a scan instead of manually for each title. (I had to rescan my whole library from scratch, several times before.)
 - I'd prefer to first get to the info-page on title selection and then have the version selection on starting the movie.
 - And I do not understand the decision why, if a movie has extras assigned, a selection screen is displayed on chosing a movie. If I am interested in the extras I can use the extras button. On chosing a movie I want the movie info to open. Extras are extras, not options. My vote goes for change that pleeeeaase...
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[New Feature] Movie version1
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