Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Sorting of Smart Playlists

So I have been using Kodi now for a few years and since Krypton released I instantly switch to Horizon skin. 

My configuration thru these couple of years was removing all the main home menu items and replacing them with smart playlists.

Example, "Movies, Asian Movies, Anime series, TV series and so on". It gives control on almost everything.

Since I haven't really changed the skin for a long time my memory is now a bit rusty.

In Horizon skin I was able to add two main widgets only for all the smart playlist items. " Recently Added and Last played"

Now I want a change of scenery in my Kodi setup and for the love of God I am not able to sort the smart playlists.

I remember doing it manually on Kodi itself with Horizon skin (which I forgot how to do) NOT going to the advanced.xml file. 

So how do I change the widget sorting for the smart playlist items in the homescreen?

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