How do I enable subtitles permanently?
What is the setting of the subtitle stream in the video file itself? Default, forced, disabled?
Was anyone able to get this to work?

I'm running LibreELEC 10, I have the video files (mkv with multiplexed subtitle streams) in the library, and even just stopping and resuming the same video fails to enable the subtitles.
  • "save settings for all files" in the subtitle settings screen opened from player OSD - no change
  • set default subtitle language to a specific language, rather than "forced" or "original" - no change
Perhaps as an alternative, is there a 1-key shortcut that enables the subtitles?
(2022-07-10, 16:33)mjKiD Wrote: is there a 1-key shortcut that enables the subtitles?

Press the 't' key on your keyboard.
The 1-key shortcut is not an option for me, I'm using Chromecast with Google TV, and the remote has very few buttons

I also tried the methods mentioned above and I am also interested in simple "activate subtitles by default"
I simply chose English as the default language in Kodi settings (Player / Language / Preferred subtitle language) and now all videos play with subtitles enabled automatically and with English set.
(2022-07-03, 21:51)HeresJohnny Wrote: I always have to go to settings while playing and switch it on.
For what it's worth... I added an entry in my config file that reads:
       <!-- top-right (DVD, under RED key) toggles subtitles on/off -->
       <m mod="ctrl,shift">ShowSubtitles</m>

I added it to ~/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/custom.xml, the full line being:


       <!-- top-right (DVD, under RED key) toggles subtitles on/off -->
       <m mod="ctrl,shift">ShowSubtitles</m>
It means I can just flick subtitles on/off with a remote keypress.  It won't make your subtitles permanent, but it makes it a lot quicker to enable them.
Why though... the L key already cycles through all available subtitles. What I want is for my preferred subtitle language to be displayed automatically for when my hands are full with a pint of beer and a bag of crisps...

Is it possible that all your video files that have on or more subtitle tracks, but none of them are marked "Enabled", "Default" or "Forced" ?
You can analyze such things with a tool like MKVToolNix.
I solved this in Kodi 20 by setting both preferred audio and preferred subtitle languages to match the interface language.

Now, my shows default properly to have subtitles on if they exist in my user interface language (English, in my case)

Hope this helps someone else.
(2024-01-31, 02:51)2twisty Wrote: I solved this in Kodi 20 by setting both preferred audio and preferred subtitle languages to match the interface language.

Now, my shows default properly to have subtitles on if they exist in my user interface language (English, in my case)

Hope this helps someone else.

^This! Finally.. after trying to get this to work for years, this is the way! Smile Thanks man. Much appreciated. My girlfriend is hard of hearing and this will be a game changer.
(2024-09-09, 07:05)spoonmanx Wrote: My girlfriend is hard of hearing and this will be a game changer.
Don't forget this setting...
Only works if the embedded subtitle track has the element flag-hearing-impaired enabled or if the external subtitle track has SDH in the filename. eg Swordfish (2001)
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(2024-01-31, 02:51)2twisty Wrote: I solved this in Kodi 20 by setting both preferred audio and preferred subtitle languages to match the interface language.

Now, my shows default properly to have subtitles on if they exist in my user interface language (English, in my case)

Hope this helps someone else.

Tx so much for the the tip on the multiple settings that have to be aligned for subtitles to automatically display.

I did lots of research before about this without any success - seems very complicated (and doesn't even answer the question) and my mind is completely boggled by Various Kodi guides elsewhere focus on fiddling about with downloading plug-ins. None seem to focus on the desired behaviour(s) that users might want.

Does anyone know why there isn't a simple option to just show subtitles (if available) each time as it seems a glaring omission?
I just keep subtitle and movie in the same folder and have them named exactly the same and they show automaticly without me changing any settings.
for any movies or shows I need subtitles for I just add the subtitles into my mkv files so I have video, audio & subtitles as sources, then set the subs as default flag and forced flag to yes.

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