Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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Release IPTV Merge
I'm working on the issue as per

Latest slyguy common should have some playback working
My IPTV Merge seems to be getting stuck on merging the CBC addon EPG (had no problem with the playlists).  I deleted the CBC playlist (and EPG) and added it again to no avail on the Merge EPG issue.  Is this happening to anybody else.
Maybe ask the cbc addon dev
Sorry i'm not english.

I have an issue with one of your EPG making kodi crash when loading epg. I had the same issue multiple times in the previous years but i didn't have it for almost a year. When i was about to go to sleep, kodi started to crashed again when loading epg, my fix was to delete the EPG in the plugin.program.iptv.merge folder and do a new merge with the option to ignore epg merge. I was trying to do the same thing but i saw that the whole option page has changed i can't find the option to skip the epg merge. On the log, everything seems normal but it shows nothing after "iptvsimple::Epg::LoadChannelEpgs - Loaded '2045' EPG channels.".  Since the option to skip epg is missing, is there another way to skip epg merging or if you can look at the epg of your others addons to see what causing the crash?
What version pvr simple? It has had a bug recently
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