Fanart Backgrounds
I'm new to Kodi, so apologies if this is a stupid or trivial question, but I've searched for a solution and haven't been able to find one yet.

I'm using the Grid skin on Leia and would like to set it up so that it automatically pulls fanart from somewhere (e.g. for currently airing shows, and uses those images as backgrounds. The key thing is that I want the fanart to include shows that I don't have in my media library i.e. Game of Thrones is airing (either live, recently or upcoming) so the background is pulled and shown even though I don't have Game of Thrones in my library. Is there any way to do this? I can download the images manually and use them, but is there some automated way to do it? Even if it isn't time specific but just refreshes the images regularly that would be a start.

Thank you in advance for your help.
(2019-02-12, 18:34)marcusliassides Wrote: I want the fanart to include shows that I don't have in my media library
Gads, the last time I checked At least 487 original scripted programs aired in 2017, and slightly less in preceding years. The artwork would easily eclipse a million and wipe out your storage along with slowing Kodi to a crawl. You could make a proper folder just for the name you want, and either use trailer.avi or a small stub video named accordingly and scrape that.

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