1001 Movies you must see before you die, IMDB update 2018

IMDB got into this, and this smartplay list is taken from https://www.imdb.com/list/ls052535080/?s...tls_vw_smp and is updated for 2018, I did include foreign titles trying to pick up as many titles as possible, there is a few anomalies.

Alpha sort, so the list no longer follow the web export and it was to big (foreign titles) I had to break it into two. One is called 1001 and the other is 1002 you should be able to make a 3rd sort playlist that pulls these two to-gether or call them up together in a node.

replaced " with backspace
replaced : with backspace
Z is now Z Costa-Gavras

I take no responsibility for the accuracy, but it seems to work. I simplified the listing by excluded the dates, colons, odd foreign characters, and if your movie name doesn't match the title, you'll have to edit your movie title or the listing in the smartplaylist for it to show up. I didn't use the exclusion rule to exclude wrong dates or sets etc, feel free to edit or improve, and if you do; re-post with links, I don't think that pastebin.com will hold stuff beyond 30 days.

https://pastebin.com/wNRHvqGv Part A
https://pastebin.com/30NYybJ9 Part B

Save these two files as a UTF-8 called "1001 IMDB.xsp" and "1002 IMDB.xsp" with your favourite editor and place it in the Userdata (wiki) folder playlists/video, enter Kodi and select the listing in playlists. Obviously if you don't have the movie in your personal library, it isn't going to show up. Don't feel bad if this collection doesn't show much of your personal library, you're not old yet so you have a lot of time to add more!
Great collection. I love the movie River Collection...
(2019-08-12, 18:29)alison Wrote: What are the best action/thriller movies to watch before you die.
Should be easy to create a smart playlist based on genre of action/thriller and add a rule to filter out the top rated ones. I find most of these list somewhat valuable as impressions of what 'others' suggest are good films to watch but take it with a grain of salt. The Criterion collection is a better overall list, but contains far too many old gems; that maybe in their day set high water marks, but have little reference of modern culture and present day values.

Best action thriller movies after 2000
Top 220 Best Action/Thriller Movies
My Favorite Action/Thriller Movies

You will note that beside each tile on the right hand side of the links above there is three vertical dots, click  those dots to export/cop the list for download, making this a smart playlist with an editor is quick.
An American in Paris was an awesome movie among the movies that I have watched.
Great list, thanks for sharing!
Really nice, Great collection dear.
Superb collection bro.
I'm curious as to how many of these movies you've seen. I thought that I was a big movie buff before checking out this list. Looks like I have more work to do!
(2024-06-02, 22:01)hmsgrad10 Wrote: curious as to how many of these movies you've seen
I guess I've turned into a movie fan of sorts and some on this list are not to my liking. This list changes year by year, and I seem to have 4 variations of this one, Kodi doesn't like smart playlists this big, so I've had to conjoin two lists into one and keeping up is a bit of a chore. Note: I rarely pursue this list doesn't mean I have all the titles, but the few I have show up, usually lean towards 'recommendations' on media sites, or enjoy shortlist flags. Given that IMDB has a catalogue of more than 4 million movie, TV and entertainment programs and more than 6 million cast and crew members, including celebrities, actors, actresses, and directors, don't think about your library as work, obviously it will never be done.

I like cerebral stories when I'm up for it, but enjoy lazy entertainment and slapstick more or less often.

name as "1001 Test IMDB" https://paste.kodi.tv/itijiraqos
name as "1002 Test IMDB" https://paste.kodi.tv/limihateti
 <smartplaylist type="movies">
    <name>1001 IMDB Faster</name>
<rule field="playlist" operator="is">
        <value>1001 Test IMDB</value>
    <rule field="playlist" operator="is">
        <value>1002 Test IMDB</value>
Thanks for sharing!
I really love The Birth of a Nation.
- William - 

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