v18 Do not hide Now Playing
(2019-02-23, 08:30)jjd-uk Wrote: For Controllers look at gamepad keymap see https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/90c774...#L132-L148

B button is mapped to Stop change this to Back

White button will bring up info
 Thanks for that link.

I've created a file named "gamepad.xml" with this content:


I put it into the userdata folder and restarted Kodi. However, the button configuration for my gamepad is still the default one. When music is played the B button stops it. What am I doing wrong?
With the TV remote the back navigation works.x (x)  #ir-ext-ui { position: fixed; padding: 1px; z-index: 9999; display: none; font-family: Consolas, "Lucida Console", "Courier New", Courier, monospace; text-align: right; }
System: Nvidia Shield (2015) / Samsung TV 60'' 4k (JU6850U) / Yamaha 5.1 AV Receiver (RX-V479)
(2019-02-20, 12:58)ape-ma Wrote: One more question: How can I go back (eg. To the main menu or to the music library) without stopping the music? If it hit B on the controller the music stops and I'm back in the main menu. 
I had the same problem, I put a button to activate the musicplaylist window in the MusicOSD of my skin (a mod to Estuary) There was no way to go back without stopping, although one of the settings options put me back to the main menu unexpectedly, but this seemed to be a bug that I didn't want to rely on.

I was also advised by the good folk here that preventing the screensaver from displaying background kept the playlist up (did not go fullscreen) so that was even better.
HDHomerun Quatro, RaspPi/TVHeadend, NUC/Win10/Kodi, Mousetuary skin, Mouse on couch!
Using a smartphone or tablet remote control app will allow you to navigate your music collection without interrupting the current playlist (or song) or music video.

The official Kodi Remote app or Kodi Music Remote (iOS only) is fantastic:

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