Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
150 Erotic Movies (smartplaylist)
Following I take no responsibility for the accuracy, but it seems to work. I simplified the listing by excluded the dates, colons, odd foreign characters, and if your movie name doesn't match the title, you'll have to edit your movie title or the listing in the smartplaylist for it to show up. I didn't use the exclusion rule to exclude wrong dates or sets etc, feel free to edit or improve, and if you do re-post, with links, I don't think that will hold stuff beyond 30 days.

Save this as a UTF-8 called "150 Erotic Moives.xsp" with your favourite editor and place it in the Userdata (wiki) folder playlists/video, enter Kodi and select the listing in playlists. Obviously if you don't have the movie in your personal library, it isn't going to show up. I guess I'm not the romantic type, this list is kinda sparse in my collection.
wow awesome.... thank you so much for this... you make my days awesome Smile
Great list! all nice and amazing movies that no one should miss, I have watched half of them in my apknite app, and they are fantastic. trying to watch the rest soon!
Thank you for sharing!!
Sea of love with al pacino, that's golden
THanks for sharing.

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