Feature request + issue with 'Bad words'
Hi all

I've been a heavy user of TMM for my digital media database of over 3200. I compare the quality and version of media regularly, knowing I can exchange subtitles and upgrade audio tracks between media with the same run-time and frrame rate (FPS).
Therefore it would help greatly to have a more accurate hours.mins.secs displayed in Media information - instead of the current hours.minutes which is simply not accurate enough to compare different versions of media. As I result I (and possibly many others) have to launch individual media in VLC (or whatever player), make a note of the exact run-time, compare and then take the appropriate action.

Are you having this issue too? Please share.

On a side note, the "Bad Words" (which will be removed from the detected movie name) which often occur in my title names such as "x265" "HDR" and "FRENCH" are NOT removed correctly as they should be, no matter what I try. I have tried different TMM versions, been careful to avoid additional spaces, tried upper/lower cases etc. Is this function working correctly for you? Need some advice.

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