Android KODI 18.1 NON NEON FOR Tegra 2 and Android 4.0.3
Please test version 18.1 for NON-NEON Android 4.0.3 or higher (without MediaCodec "

With all Addons
Please Test
Thanks very much, TetraMarreta, I'm going to test it now.

My old devices and me thanks you.
Hello, TetraMarreta.

Thank you very much for the first attempt, but at least for me, on a phone with Android 4.4.2 and a tablet with 4.0.4 I get this error:

Analysis Error: There was a problem analyzing the package.

It seems that at the moment it is not able to be installed in these devices.

If you need any additional information, log or whatever, you just have to tell me.

I've tested it on Android 7.1 and it installs correctly, so I think the error is about Android version.

And thank you very much for the work.
When I get to work, I will be able to test on android 4.0.3, it must be some configuration file, the important thing that was generated with NDK 14 (android 4.0.3) now only needs one xml file detail to work.

Many thanks and I'm posting a new version today.
Thank you. TetraMarreta.

I will be aware and I will try as soon as I can.

What I said, if you need any log or whatever, you just have to tell me.

And again, thank you very much for your great work.
On Android 4.4.2 Kitkat I get this error: "Analysis Error: There was a problem analyzing the package".
It doesn't work, sorry.
Thank you very much tetramarreta, my old Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (with Android 7.1.2) it atradece. Just one detail, the videos are not as fluid as in your version 17.6, even so, very grateful.
Many thanks! but....
Android 4.1.2 can't install. the apk installer close (or crash)
Keep going!
Not installing on Android 4.2.2. looking forward to trying another update.

Thank you for your efforts
Not installing on Android 4.4.4. looking forward to trying another update. 

Thank you for your efforts
Can't even install on ouya, android version 4.1.2. It says "there was an error parsing the package" . I enabled unknown sources and checked the download. Your ftmc version based on krypton installs, but crashes everytime on bootup. Your jarvis version works, but some addons don't work anymore...would be nice if this one could run on my ouya.
It doesn't work in my old 4.03 device..., could you send me the link for version 17.6 to check it?
Kodi 18.3 apk android 4.0.3
search kodi 18.3 apk for android 4.2xx as download.
Is it possible

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KODI 18.1 NON NEON FOR Tegra 2 and Android 4.0.31
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