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Release Amber for Leia/Matrix/Nexus
is there any chance for me to replace the user rating badges (lower right corner in the image) with colored ones? i looked everywhere but couldn't find the images for those.

@bsoriano Good day Bart,

I think this may be a bug in the skin, at least on Amber Matrix. If I have a S01, S02 etc Widget on my Recently Added Episodes" and I click on it, it should take me to the TV Show, but it just takes me to the 1st TV Show, then when I exit, it goes to list view. Try it and you'll see what I mean. This is for Season being displayed, not the episode.


(2021-08-29, 10:13)billyrene Wrote: is there any chance for me to replace the user rating badges (lower right corner in the image) with colored ones? i looked everywhere but couldn't find the images for those.


@billyrene, I will see what I can do.


Amber Maintainer
Main HTPC: Intel Core i7, 32GB, nVidia GTX1080, Windows 11 Soundbar: Samsung HW-Q950A TV: LG CX Kodi: 19.3 Skin: Amber
(2021-08-29, 13:02)shedrock Wrote: @bsoriano Good day Bart,

I think this may be a bug in the skin, at least on Amber Matrix. If I have a S01, S02 etc Widget on my Recently Added Episodes" and I click on it, it should take me to the TV Show, but it just takes me to the 1st TV Show, then when I exit, it goes to list view. Try it and you'll see what I mean. This is for Season being displayed, not the episode.


@shedrock , good day to you as well.

My understanding is that you are using the Recently Added Episodes widget from the skin.helper.service.widgets addon, with the setting enabled to group episodes.  This is the only addon that I know that returns Seasons in an episodes widget.  Before, in Leia, I had code so that when you clicked this, it would open the season.  That code only worked with a modded version of the addon for Leia that I did.  I am no longer doing that mod, so, today I removed the code that I had for my modded version.

Thus, using the latest Amber from GitHub, what will happen now is the standard behavior for the addon, which is, when you click on the season, the latest episode added for that season will open.  I cannot control that behavior, and do not wish to mod the addon in Matrix.

Please test the latest from GitHub, and let me know if the standard behavior is what you are now getting.  If it is not, you might have to delete the script-skinshortcuts-includes.xml file in the skin's 1080i folder.  Thanks.


Amber Maintainer
Main HTPC: Intel Core i7, 32GB, nVidia GTX1080, Windows 11 Soundbar: Samsung HW-Q950A TV: LG CX Kodi: 19.3 Skin: Amber
(2021-08-29, 14:12)bsoriano Wrote:
(2021-08-29, 10:13)billyrene Wrote: is there any chance for me to replace the user rating badges (lower right corner in the image) with colored ones? i looked everywhere but couldn't find the images for those.

@billyrene, I will see what I can do.



thank you.... i just need to know where the folder for them is Wink
(2021-08-29, 16:20)bsoriano Wrote: My understanding is that you are using the Recently Added Episodes widget from the skin.helper.service.widgets addon
Yes, this is correct.
(2021-08-29, 16:20)bsoriano Wrote: Thus, using the latest Amber from GitHub, what will happen now is the standard behavior for the addon, which is, when you click on the season, the latest episode added for that season will open.  I cannot control that behavior, and do not wish to mod the addon in Matrix.

I just tested it and it does the same thing. I replaced \shortcuts\template.xml as per the updated git version, but same behavior.


(2021-08-29, 17:12)shedrock Wrote:
(2021-08-29, 16:20)bsoriano Wrote: My understanding is that you are using the Recently Added Episodes widget from the skin.helper.service.widgets addon
Yes, this is correct.
(2021-08-29, 16:20)bsoriano Wrote: Thus, using the latest Amber from GitHub, what will happen now is the standard behavior for the addon, which is, when you click on the season, the latest episode added for that season will open.  I cannot control that behavior, and do not wish to mod the addon in Matrix.

I just tested it and it does the same thing. I replaced \shortcuts\template.xml as per the updated git version, but same behavior.


@shedrock , please quit Kodi, delete the "script-skinshortcuts-includes.xml" file from the skin's 1080i folder, and then restart Kodi.  There is a bug in skinshortcuts right now, it does not rebuild the menu if there is only a change in the template.xml file.

Please let me know how it goes.  Thanks.


Amber Maintainer
Main HTPC: Intel Core i7, 32GB, nVidia GTX1080, Windows 11 Soundbar: Samsung HW-Q950A TV: LG CX Kodi: 19.3 Skin: Amber
(2021-08-29, 17:42)bsoriano Wrote: @shedrock , please quit Kodi, delete the "script-skinshortcuts-includes.xml" file from the skin's 1080i folder, and then restart Kodi.  There is a bug in skinshortcuts right now, it does not rebuild the menu if there is only a change in the template.xml file.
Thank you so much Bart. That fixed it.


(2021-08-29, 17:01)billyrene Wrote: thank you.... i just need to know where the folder for them is Wink

@billyrene , there was no proper implementation of colored badges for user rating.  I have just added this, they will look like the user rating looks in the video info dialog:


 If you are on Matrix and can test from GitHub, please download the latest from GitHub and let me know how it goes.  Thanks.


Amber Maintainer
Main HTPC: Intel Core i7, 32GB, nVidia GTX1080, Windows 11 Soundbar: Samsung HW-Q950A TV: LG CX Kodi: 19.3 Skin: Amber
(2021-08-29, 19:02)bsoriano Wrote:
(2021-08-29, 17:01)billyrene Wrote: thank you.... i just need to know where the folder for them is Wink

@billyrene , there was no proper implementation of colored badges for user rating.  I have just added this, they will look like the user rating looks in the video info dialog:


 If you are on Matrix and can test from GitHub, please download the latest from GitHub and let me know how it goes.  Thanks.


that's exactly what i was looking for thank you. unfortunately not working for me. if i have the colored media flags enabled the user rating is just not there anymore. it's only there with the colored disabled
(2021-08-30, 07:20)billyrene Wrote: that's exactly what i was looking for thank you. unfortunately not working for me. if i have the colored media flags enabled the user rating is just not there anymore. it's only there with the colored disabled

@billyrene , are you on Matrix and using the latest code from GitHub? Please confirm, since, if you have user rating enabled, it should be working.  Thanks.


Amber Maintainer
Main HTPC: Intel Core i7, 32GB, nVidia GTX1080, Windows 11 Soundbar: Samsung HW-Q950A TV: LG CX Kodi: 19.3 Skin: Amber
(2021-08-30, 17:28)bsoriano Wrote:
(2021-08-30, 07:20)billyrene Wrote: that's exactly what i was looking for thank you. unfortunately not working for me. if i have the colored media flags enabled the user rating is just not there anymore. it's only there with the colored disabled

@billyrene , are you on Matrix and using the latest code from GitHub? Please confirm, since, if you have user rating enabled, it should be working.  Thanks.


yep on matrix using the latest from github, user rating enabled, otherwise it wouldn't show if i have colored flags disabled... i'll try to update again and let you know
(2021-08-30, 17:28)bsoriano Wrote:
(2021-08-30, 07:20)billyrene Wrote: that's exactly what i was looking for thank you. unfortunately not working for me. if i have the colored media flags enabled the user rating is just not there anymore. it's only there with the colored disabled

@billyrene , are you on Matrix and using the latest code from GitHub? Please confirm, since, if you have user rating enabled, it should be working.  Thanks.



just updated from github again and still not working. as you can see in the images below. colored flags enabled the user rating is missing


and when i use the monochrome user rating is there

(2021-08-31, 17:24)billyrene Wrote:
(2021-08-30, 17:28)bsoriano Wrote:
(2021-08-30, 07:20)billyrene Wrote: that's exactly what i was looking for thank you. unfortunately not working for me. if i have the colored media flags enabled the user rating is just not there anymore. it's only there with the colored disabled

@billyrene , are you on Matrix and using the latest code from GitHub? Please confirm, since, if you have user rating enabled, it should be working.  Thanks.



just updated from github again and still not working. as you can see in the images below. colored flags enabled the user rating is missing


and when i use the monochrome user rating is there

@billyrene , that was not an error.  The user rating for the movie in your screenshot is blank, so the color rating badge does not show. 

I just changed it on GitHub so that the color rating badge shows even if the rating is blank, to be consistent with the behavior for the monochrome badges.  Please test and let me know if you prefer it this way, or you would rather not have the badge show if the rating is blank.  Thanks.


Amber Maintainer
Main HTPC: Intel Core i7, 32GB, nVidia GTX1080, Windows 11 Soundbar: Samsung HW-Q950A TV: LG CX Kodi: 19.3 Skin: Amber
(2021-08-28, 23:12)Stormlord777 Wrote:
(2021-08-28, 22:43)bsoriano Wrote:
(2021-08-28, 21:22)Stormlord777 Wrote: In the information in you’re examples the hdr/sdr and 8bit/10bit info is not available. It looks that when that information is present the overlap occurs.

@Stormlord777 , thanks for the additional info and screenshot.  I have fixed this on GitHub.  If you are not comfortable with downloading/upgrading from GitHub, please wait a few days and I will upload a new version to the Amber repo.  Thanks.



Hi Bart,

Thanks. That solved the issue.


Hi Bart,

I updated today to amber version 3.2.49 from via the amber repo. And it looks that the solution for the mentioned issue is not in that version. It was solved in the version that I took previously from the GitHub (I think also that had version number 3.2.49 when I looked in the menu for skin setup). Any reason why it is not in the latest version of the repo?

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