Looking for 2 streaming media server solutions for both video & audio
Looking for 2 streaming media server solutions for video/audio for remote controlled broadcast streams and one for local streams with access controls.
This could be used for various purposes, for commercial use an example would be ads to an electronic billboards or viewing screens within businesses.
Perhaps streaming your own internet TV channel for various purposes as well.

Another use  I need is I have an adult education school and for the classes I teach I would like to record lessons and have them categorized and streaming from my own media server.
Any suggestions for how I should go about accomplishing this with easy to use, maintain and hopefully open source and free to inexpensive solutions?
I may also want to integrate custom video and audio restricted access to certain videos/audio to certain students where I can discontinue only one persons access if need be. Perhaps to be integrated into and LMS (Learning Management System)
Does anyone know of any software that could accomplish these things or multiple solutions?
Preferably open source and free or inexpensive options considered.

~ Creator of none, hacker of some, jack of all traits, master of some...
Domaineer, Coldfusion Dev, Kodi customizer, Hedonist
I'd suggest Mezzmo .  it isn't free but it is very cheap and their support is second to none.  I've been running it for years and I believe it can do everything you ant and more.
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
I am not going into the technical side of things. However, I am going to the legal side of things.

You say that you want to record classes that you teach. Firstly you need your students permission to record, thankfully they are adults. However, if you have a class of ten for example, and one person does not give you permission, then you are going to have to get rid of him or her, so that you can record.

You can technically say that you will use video editing software to blur out their faces, but you still have raw footage of people. You will have to look into the legal issues depending upon which Country you are in as they are all different, some stricter than others.

You are looking at a legal minefield which ever way you want to go. I a year ago set up recording equipment due to anti social behaviour, it was not recording people's faces only audio. However, as it was catching some video e.g it was looking at a brick wall, I was told that I need a CCTV (closed circuit television license) to operate it from the local council. 

If say for example you have a professional complaint against you of a naughty nature, and your footage shows that you was focused on one student's cleavage to give an example, you are bang to rights.

A camera at the back recording people's heads and recording your teaching methods you can possibly get away with more, because you are analysing your teaching. The camera recording people coming into the class will still be an issue.

To cut short, seek proper legal guidance before you go spending any money on software.
(2020-03-27, 20:27)Video Titles Wrote: I am not going into the technical side of things. However, I am going to the legal side of things.

You say that you want to record classes that you teach. Firstly you need your students permission to record, thankfully they are adults. However, if you have a class of ten for example, and one person does not give you permission, then you are going to have to get rid of him or her, so that you can record.

You can technically say that you will use video editing software to blur out their faces, but you still have raw footage of people. You will have to look into the legal issues depending upon which Country you are in as they are all different, some stricter than others.

You are looking at a legal minefield which ever way you want to go. I a year ago set up recording equipment due to anti social behaviour, it was not recording people's faces only audio. However, as it was catching some video e.g it was looking at a brick wall, I was told that I need a CCTV (closed circuit television license) to operate it from the local council. 

If say for example you have a professional complaint against you of a naughty nature, and your footage shows that you was focused on one student's cleavage to give an example, you are bang to rights.

A camera at the back recording people's heads and recording your teaching methods you can possibly get away with more, because you are analysing your teaching. The camera recording people coming into the class will still be an issue.

To cut short, seek proper legal guidance before you go spending any money on software.
I don't know what you're involved in or what the heck is going through your head. My business is professional and no intention of any peeping for cheap thrill recordings, it's for work. There are plenty of porn sites to get that stuff from.

I am recording myself and myself only teaching classes, there is no reason for students to be in any video. There may be audio of them asking questions and me answering them.
I will have disclosures and authorization releases in my student enrollment forms they must agree to in order to join the classes that we will be recording in class audio /video and they give us full permission without compensation to use it however we see fit including distribution resale, etc. and the rights to it without any compensation or permission of theirs and if they don't want to then don't join the class. Just not worded like that obviously but something to that effect.

I was just making an inquiry here as to the techie side of things, not the legal.
~ Creator of none, hacker of some, jack of all traits, master of some...
Domaineer, Coldfusion Dev, Kodi customizer, Hedonist
(2019-03-22, 03:13)jbinkley60 Wrote: I'd suggest Mezzmo .  it isn't free but it is very cheap and their support is second to none.  I've been running it for years and I believe it can do everything you ant and more.
100% agree, I used Mezzmo for many years and it's working ok
(2020-05-07, 13:53)Veskon Wrote:
(2019-03-22, 03:13)jbinkley60 Wrote: I'd suggest Mezzmo .  it isn't free but it is very cheap and their support is second to none.  I've been running it for years and I believe it can do everything you ant and more.
100% agree, I used Mezzmo for many years and it's working ok 
I've just completed writing some significant updates to the Mezzmo add-on for Kodi.  It adds some pretty cool functionality and is much more integrated with the Kodi database.
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
(2020-05-07, 13:53)Veskon Wrote:
(2019-03-22, 03:13)jbinkley60 Wrote: I'd suggest Mezzmo .  it isn't free but it is very cheap and their support is second to none.  I've been running it for years and I believe it can do everything you ant and more.
100% agree, I used Mezzmo for many years and it's working ok
Thanks I'll check it out
~ Creator of none, hacker of some, jack of all traits, master of some...
Domaineer, Coldfusion Dev, Kodi customizer, Hedonist
Kaleidescape is one that I used.
(2023-07-06, 11:49)Sam080 Wrote: Kaleidescape is one that I used.

What part, of me telling you previously about not posting useless info in outdated forum threads, was unclear to you..?

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