Chorus web ui issue osmc
I'm trying to use chorus2 but nothing happens when i try to play music. I'm a newbie, is anybody to help me.
I'm running Kodi through rpi3 and i use osmc Leia 18.2.
I give you the log,
Can you play the song from the gui?
Check out my plugin yarc, it's a web-remote optimised for all screen sizes (especially touch and small screen).
(2019-05-21, 10:47)tuxfuxch Wrote: Can you play the song from the gui?

On Kodi? Yes i can but not from chorus
I would try first another webinterface. I it does also not work, chorus is most probably fine. Then i word move the ".kodi" folder to for example ".kodi.back20190522". When you lauch kodi there are no settings etc around. Configure weg access and music source and try again. Then we know if there is some corrupt setting or something. After that you can deöete the new .kodi folder and move back the backup.
Wait: are you sure you configured webaccess right? Read the wiki article first to make sure. I have no install in front of me, so i cant say right now what has to be set....
Check out my plugin yarc, it's a web-remote optimised for all screen sizes (especially touch and small screen).

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Chorus web ui issue osmc0