Kodi on libreELEC and MAME
Hi guys,
am not sure if this question should be posted here but I thought will be worth to try.

I can't understand what MAME emulator I should install because I've tried a few but none of them have the 'Run' option enabled.
I also searched into the filesystem but couldn't find any mame binary either.

What's the Mame add to install ? (running latest version of kodi)
@jerrieu The Retropie documentation is very useful. Retropie is for Retroarch but shince Retroplayer and Retroarch both are Libretro frontends most of the information there is OK for Retroplayer.

The Retroarch/Libretro documentation has improved a lot recently and may be useful as well.

Also, depending on your hardware/setup you may consider using external vanilla MAME and Advanced MAME Launcher.
Is there a Vanilla MAME binary or libre elec on rpi?

We had an arcade box with an old laptop and RomCollectionBrowser.
But the laptop died so we would like to replace it with an rpi.

I did look at Lakka, but the keybindings were messed up (namely cannot use esc to exit game). And prefer Kodi so we can also watch movies/youtube etc.

I have spend a morning on this and still no luck.
I use the Kodi interface to install the mame emulator .so file, but things like RomCollectionBrowser and MameEmulatorLauncher want an executable, not a library.

If I use the built in RetroPlayer to launch roms it says only controllers are supported, but cabinets map to keyboard so this is no good. Seems weird that the retro player has no keyboard supportHuh

Is there some way to launch the Roms rom Kodi using the .so file? Things like RetroArch seem a bit heavy handed as they exit Kodi and have their own UI? (which then crashes anyway as soon as I chose a menu option).
Any help would be very much appreciated. Only interested in Mame, no other emulators.

Rpi: 4
Kodi: 18.9
LibreElec: 9.2.6
@budswell Instead of vanilla LibreELEC maybe you can try a customised version. Some users make custom version that include MAME and other emulators. The problem with those is that maybe they are not update as frequently as vanilla LibreELEC. Another option is to install Ubuntu Linux, MAME and Kodi yourself. I wrote an (incomplete) tutorial and the process is not that difficult. The advantage of this is that you have a full-featured Linux where you can install lots of emulators and you have access to the compilers.

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Kodi on libreELEC and MAME0