Linux How i add the same image to all episodes

i have some media content that is not a real series, because there is nothing in and i don't want to add it to my series database. i have an extra home menu button in kodi for that stuff. i only want to create nfo files with tm (what works) and add the same image to all episodes (as thumb). there is also no tvshow.nfo or anything else. only 1 nfo for each episode. how can i add this? when i try this with 'edit selected tvshow/episode' i have to edit the image for each episode individually. is there an other way?

Not via TMM - you might be faster to copy that on filesastem, with same name as episode.
Maybe a small batch/script file might solve that (depends on amount)
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
Wanna help translate TMM ?

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