How can I list album artists instead of artists?
Hi everyone,
I just starting using KoRe and was wondering how I could get it to show me the album artists instead of aong artists? I have a few compilations and find it unfortunate to see those artists.

P.S.: This is also an issue in Kodi itself, which also shows me artist instead of album artist. So any help would be appreciated :-)
Nobody at all?
I'd like to request this as well. I have a ton of compilations which makes sorting by Artist useless.
Did you set Kodi to the desired mode? Settings > Media > Music > Show song and album artists. Also see
Turned out I had that option turned on, but had to clear out an older iteration of my library, which had been lingering on, and wouldn't clear with the normal "clean/update library" functions for some reason. Thanks for replying!

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How can I list album artists instead of artists?0