Wrong music album count
Love this skin.  Been using Transparency exclusively for a very long time.

Anyway, weird problem.  The album count on the home page under the random albums (my choice for that option) is incorrect.

I have 1134 albums.  Transparency only reports 1117.  Estuary skin and Yatse remote both show the right count of 1134.  I can only assume something is amiss with the Transparency skin.  Also, somehow my recent album listing has screwed up.  Not sure if it related.  No longer shows the proper albums I recently added.  Just recent albums from my list after wiping and establishing the music folder again in an attempt to fix the incorrect album count.

Does anyone else have this issue?  Anybody know how to fix it?

I am using the most current version of Transparency and Kodi 18.3.

Thanks for reading.


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