Solved Quicktime Audio issues on Recorded Programmes OSX
Hi All

I am recording TV programmes successfully on Kodi 18.3 Leia via my iMac and the VBox PVR add-on but am having issues with their playback.  I have posted a separate thread on this and am getting support.

While waiting to solve the issue I tried opening the recorded files in Quicktime and found that HD channel recordings were not working properly as there was no audio.  Non HD channels were fine.  Both are listed as .mpg files.

Using the Movie Inspector window in Quicktime, I can see that the HD channels are encoded using H.264.  The non HD channels use MPEG Layer 2.

When I convert the HD files using Handbrake from .mpg to .mp4, Handbrake adds an AAC audio track alongside the H.264 (video?) output.

So is the H.264 encoding for HD and the MPEG Layer 2 for non HD channels determined by the TV transmission or is this something that Kodi controls?

In either case, is it possible to tell Kodi to record HD channels (or all channels) in H.264 but with AAC audio?  Or is there a simpler solution?  Is there anything I can add to the advanced settings.xml file to make this work properly?



Can nobody help me with this?
Bumpity bump bump?
This is not possible. The vbox records the raw TV stream and this is what the addon plays back.

The latest version of the addon should work though. Please try it from this issue:
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
(2019-10-20, 00:19)phunkyfish Wrote: This is not possible. The vbox records the raw TV stream and this is what the addon plays back.

The latest version of the addon should work though. Please try it from this issue:
Thanks.  I have  downloaded the OSX version and installed from the zip file and the Live TV now gives the timeline and allows skipping forward and back so that issue is resolved.  I will run some tests on recordings to see if the HD issue is also resolved and let you know.
(2019-10-20, 22:58)GeoffatMM Wrote:
(2019-10-20, 00:19)phunkyfish Wrote: This is not possible. The vbox records the raw TV stream and this is what the addon plays back.

The latest version of the addon should work though. Please try it from this issue:
Thanks.  I have  downloaded the OSX version and installed from the zip file and the Live TV now gives the timeline and allows skipping forward and back so that issue is resolved.  I will run some tests on recordings to see if the HD issue is also resolved and let you know. 
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here

I had the 4.5.0 working on 18.3 but still had not tried the recordings.  I got distracted by your request to try version 19.0 with the Add-on and downloaded the nightly from 20/10.

It opened and told me it was migrating my add-ons then told me that my PVR Add-on was not compatible and would not load it.

So I shut it down and went back to 18.3 and now that is also having problems with the PVR Add-on and will not load.

I reloaded version 4.5.0 of the VBox Add-on but that has not worked.  I deleted the Add-on to go back to the previous version but discovered that only 4.5.0 is now available on the Kodi repository so have had to down load that again.  However all it does is come up with the message that the Add-on could not be loaded.  An unknown error has occurred so I am now stuck on both 18.3 and 19.0.

Just in case I am going to reboot my iMac to see if that does anything and will come back and post again.


Can you offer any suggestions?  Is there anything I should extract for you (log files etc.?)

OK, I have got it to work.  It would appear that the introduction of the updated add-on made the VBox throw a wobbly and crash which it does from time to time.

After resetting everything the 4.5.0 version is now working on both 18.3 and 19.0.  Time line is available on TV and the HD recordings are working through the Kodi interface so I do not need to use Quicktime.

However, when the network is busy it would be useful to be able to use quicktime and so I would still appreciate understanding why the VBox recording of HD channels does not work in QT but I can see this is now a question for VBox Comms and not Kodi.

Thanks for your help.  Guess this post can now be closed but cannot see how that is done.  Perhaps you could do it for me?

The reason they do not play is that the video is a raw TS stream. There is no notion of duration in a TS stream. This is handled by the application. Regardless of the App you try and use it with it will only work correctly in an app designed to work with your vbox.

Live streams were designed this way on purpose. They are not like finite video files where he duration is known.

If you want to Mark this as solved edit your initial post and set a prefix near the title. I.E. where you currently set OS X.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
(2019-10-22, 09:20)phunkyfish Wrote: The reason they do not play is that the video is a raw TS stream. There is no notion of duration in a TS stream. This is handled by the application. Regardless of the App you try and use it with it will only work correctly in an app designed to work with your vbox.

Live streams were designed this way on purpose. They are not like finite video files where he duration is known.

If you want to Mark this as solved edit your initial post and set a prefix near the title. I.E. where you currently set OS X.

Thanks again.  All done.

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Quicktime Audio issues on Recorded Programmes OSX0