Raspberry PI 3 B and B+ Cannot open Gui via composite on version 18.2
Hello, I have issue with two separate Raspberry PI units where Kodi Gui fails to open when connected using Composite cable, they work fine using HDMI.  I have another unit that is working using composite.  The two non working units are freshly imaged using a previous Raspian Stretch image from 2019-04-08 which is working fine on another Raspberry PI 3B+ unit imaged up several months back with the same image?  It has to be an update on either Kodi or Raspian side. I have side by side full logs from working and non working unit I have pasted... https://paste.kodi.tv/cafahofeye.kodi .  Copied only the error snip-it here...I have tried matching up settings from Raspi config... /boot/config.txt and Kodi config...~/.kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml from good to bad unit without luck.  Several re-images later I am asking for help, issue is happening on two differnt Raspi units 3B and 3B+.  I have read another thread showing that Kodi is not supported yet with Raspian Buster.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Bad Unit
(2019-07-30, 16:15)raspimediacenter Wrote: Copied only the error snip-it here...
And the rest of the log file is supposed to be done via a crystal ball?
Please don't flood the forum with log files or snippets, you already have the link to the full log.
(2019-07-30, 16:15)raspimediacenter Wrote: I have read another thread showing that Kodi is not supported yet with Raspian Buster.
Buster only provides Kodi 17.6, development is all new with that Raspbian version.
If you only need Kodi to run on your Raspberry Pi's, try LibreELEC instead.
(2019-07-30, 16:20)Klojum Wrote:
(2019-07-30, 16:15)raspimediacenter Wrote: Copied only the error snip-it here...
And the rest of the log file is supposed to be done via a crystal ball?
Please don't flood the forum with log files or snippets, you already have the link to the full log. 
Understood, the link with log is only the issue PI, I included snippet to show compare to good log not in link.  Sorry was not trying to flood forum, this is why a only grabbed select lines from both logs.
(2019-07-30, 16:23)Klojum Wrote:
(2019-07-30, 16:15)raspimediacenter Wrote: I have read another thread showing that Kodi is not supported yet with Raspian Buster.
Buster only provides Kodi 17.6, development is all new with that Raspbian version.
If you only need Kodi to run on your Raspberry Pi's, try LibreELEC instead. 
Hello, Thanks for additional reply.  I need to run both Kodi and Plex.  Was hoping for a little insight as to why Kodi 18.2, Stretch supported rev, was not booting any longer when using Composite cable.  Thanks in advance for any additional insight you all may have.


Are you able to test with 18.2 with hdmi? Would be useful to know if your problem is a composite issue or kodi 18.2 issue.
(2019-07-30, 19:09)popcornmix Wrote: Are you able to test with 18.2 with hdmi? Would be useful to know if your problem is a composite issue or kodi 18.2 issue.
Hello, yes works fine with HDMI only issue with composite.  I can get to gui using startx (have set to boot to CLI) but cant start Kodi when using composite.
There have been some composite fixes to firmware recently that may help.
You could try running rpi-update (be aware this is testing firmware - backing up first is always advisable).
(2019-07-31, 13:37)popcornmix Wrote: There have been some composite fixes to firmware recently that may help.
You could try running rpi-update (be aware this is testing firmware - backing up first is always advisable).
That fixed this issue thank you very much!!!
Ok this fixed the issue on mine as well, thank you!

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Raspberry PI 3 B and B+ Cannot open Gui via composite on version 18.20
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