Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Feature Request - Force Date Added in DB the same as Aired Date
I'm troubling with movie aired before the 1970 and the dateadded tag is not the same as the creation date (i use filebot as renamer and fix the LastAcces, Creation and Modified date the same of the Aired Date). With the movie/episodes after the 1970 there aren't no problem the tag dateadded is the same as the creation date of the video file.

I'm using Windows 7 Pro 64bit and i think the problem is the OS or the filesystem (btw i use NTFS).
If is possible to add the general options to force the Date Added field (and of course the <dateadded> </dateadded> tag in the NFO file) the same as the Aired Date of the scraped Movies or Episodes from a TV Shows.
I'm not in danger Skyler, I'm the danger! A guy opens his door and get shot, and you think that's me? No, I'M THE ONE WHO KNOCKS!!

Ember Media Manager lover...

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Feature Request - Force Date Added in DB the same as Aired Date0
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