Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Issue with strings.po file for resource.language.en_us
The resource.language.en_us addon was recently updated incorrectly. The msgstr entries in the string.po file for English (US) now contains aribic characters instead of the US English text. 

Restoring an older version of the strings.po file fixes the issue. Can someone please correct the error in the repository?

Here is a thread that shows screenshots of the issue: Music and Weather tabs show up as Square Characters
(2019-08-19, 16:55)JoshDi Wrote: The resource.language.en_us addon was recently updated incorrectly.

There was no update necessary. I'm sure the guy doing the update got the languages mixed up.

As far as I could tell, the first 48 items were changed into Arabic (except nr 7). Those have been changed back into English. So triggering an update for the English (en_US) addon should fix it.

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